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PlayOnline investment returns as Square Enix profits hit the ceiling

  • Published at 06:19:25 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,482 times
  • Karma:  30 
  • Share: link to this page e-mail this page Digg it! Facebook reports a lot of numbers and sales figures which on the whole conclude that Square Enix' PlayOnline venture has paid off in no small amount -- profits have doubled over the past six months thanks to the introduction of Final Fantasy XI - which now commands a community of over 550,000 - as well as an increase in operating profits in the Square Enix Mobile division (Before Crisis naysayers be damned). And while other (offline) sales saw a slight decrease in performance, this has more to do with the lacklustre line-up than anything else, and should be wholly negated in the upcoming 6 months with Dragon Quest VIII, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts II and possibly Final Fantasy XII to make what appears to be the company's strongest sales period in its history.

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Forums / News / PlayOnline investment returns as Square Enix profits hit the ceiling

Ah money, your money's all that money. Good to see they are making loads of their good products. It's a big time for SquareEnix, and any large amounts of money they make they deserve.
I just hope that their continue to make good products for everyone.For PC user/gamers to console gamers.
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