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Fantasy Earth details surface

  • Published at 19:44:00 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,079 times
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Since its announcement in September, Fantasy Earth: Ring of Dominion has tantalized many with an amalgam of proposed genres. Since then, new details have surfaced which dive into better detail about the world of Fantasy Earth and its mechanics.
Born from the ashes of True Fantasy Live Online, Fantasy Earth: Ring of Dominion has been force fed a sizeable Pheonix Down courtesy Square Enix and its impending arrival brings great anticipation of its MMORPG goodness; that which may indeed come to rival the downtrodden Final Fantasy XI. Here are some recently uncovered details:

At the point of arrival in the world of Fantasy Earth, players must choose a faction to which to swear allegience. The countries revealed thus far include Netzawal, ruled by the Beast King Hyunkel; Elsord, ruled by the Wise King Naius Elsord; Holdein, ruled by the Lady General Wadriti Berkstein Holdein; and the Gebrand Empire, ruled by Raiel Ku'belda Gebrand. The story involves these five nations in a scuffle over Esucetia, the sixth continent. After choosing a nationality, one must select a character class, choices consisting of: Warrior, Berserker, Shadow-walker (which pertains to walking...and maybe some shadows), Hunter, Sorcerer, Priest, and Rune Blade. For further customization, seven facial structures, hairstyles, and five body types and hair/eye colors are also available, in addition to outfits on a class-by-class basis.

As far as gameplay is concerned, "crystals" will play a major role; lore relates that the world was in fact birthed from one such giant crystal (which then proceeded to apologize profusely for its ideological thievery). Meanwhile, crystals of a smaller variety, while not quite up to the task of concocting whole universes, instead serve to teach skills and serve as instruments for one of Fantasy Earth's more intriguing concepts: fort building.

When enough shiny gems are collected, a player may opt to construct one of eight varieties of fort on the location of their choosing. Depending on the type and strategic location, players may find themselves with a vantage point of victory or mired in a desolate valley of despair. Given the right direction, this system has the potential to provide some of the more exciting player versus player combat in recent MMORPG history.

Fantasy Earth is set to release in Japan circa 2005, and although the title has been trademarked, no plans for North American localization have been announced.

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Forums / News / Fantasy Earth details surface

Is Level 5 developing or did Square Enix just buy the assets from Microsoft and is doing it in-house?
Your point? Level5 comments have nothing to do with this news article.
Born from the ashes of True Fantasy Live Online, Fantasy Earth: Ring of Dominion has been force fed a sizeable Pheonix Down courtesy Square Enix and its impending arrival brings great anticipation of its MMORPG goodness - Ziyad, Dec 25, 2004.

Also, according to sources, Fantasy Earth is in fact True Fantasy Live Online, a MMORPG that was, until recently, being developed for the Xbox. - Rahul, Sep 11, 2004.

Just curious how long you guys are going to keep making false claims.
What false claims are these? Sources told us it was based on TFLO; Ziyad followed up to that. No one has officially denied anything happening with Level 5 and Square Enix regarding TFLO and FE:RoD, so unless you're actually employed by either company, I think your comments are best left to your own site's forums. I for one really don't care what you have to say.
*pulls collar*
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