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Final Fantasy XII receives Japanese release date; fucking finally

  • Published at 22:07:51 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,183 times
  • Karma:  39 
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With the opening of the Square Enix Party 2005, our good friends at Square Enix finally announced that a release date for the greatly anticipated Final Fantasy XII would be announced; and then announced it! Contrary to popular speculation, the release of FFXII would not coincide with the Rapture, but rather a more reasonable Japanese release of March 16, 2006. While this may seem like a long ways away, cries of cheer already echo around the world, as men party naked and women weep of joy. Square Haven will bring you more information as it arises.

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Forums / News / Final Fantasy XII receives Japanese release date; fucking finally

I would prefer for the women to party naked, to be honest.
Wow... Square is waiting until the year of the PS3's release to release this damn thing. They somewhat did the same with FF9, didn't they?
Maybe they'll pull a fast one on us and make it a PS3 launch title. You know, assuming that's why it wasn't playable this year and that PS3 comes out in march. Ok so I'm just pulling shit out of my ass. Still a cool thought.
Well that could be a reason behind the delay, but I somewhat doubt that. Mostly because according to Square-Enix Japan's website for the party, FFXII WAS playable.
Ahh, I was talking about E3 this year, in which it wasn't playable. Didn't know if it was or not at SE Party.
Well it was, and apparently with a crap load of booths, I think we reported that actually.
I don't recall Square or Enix ever having a launch title. It's doubtful they'll be making history this generation.
Driving Emotion Type-S, woowoo!
The Bouncer too, yes?
No way, Driving Emotion Type-S was a bomb shell. No game has reached that level of sheer brilliance since.
But The Bouncer came quite close to that level indeed.

And maybe thankfully those All-Star Pro Wrestling games never made it here, right?
amen to that brother.
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