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Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI heading for GBA; Final Fantasy III DS lives

  • Published at 06:27:07 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 21,366 times
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Nintendo's WiFi press conference in Japan today revealed some interesting developments for the DS online service, but the funkiest of them all (and this news article isn't even THE funkiest, see below) included announcements that, yes, indeed, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI are in fact going to appear on Game Boy Advance at some point in the TBA future. Rejoice! Also, gaming news website Gpara reports that Final Fantasy III DS is alive and well and fully polygonal.

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Forums / News / Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI heading for GBA; Final Fantasy III DS lives

We all saw this coming for a while now... Maybe now I won't have to plug $50 on a used SNES cart of the orginals... Nah, I'll STILL end up picking up the originals!!! :D

I wish Konami would take a damn hint.
What do you want from Konami, Ziyad? I understand wanting namco to do some Tales games... Eitherway, will be fun. Wonder if they plan on upgrading the visuals any?
Suikoden I & II for the PSP. They toy with us, announce it in Japan, and refuse to bring it to North America.
That DOES suck. I didn't hear about that. You think with the popularity that Suikoden 3 and 4 had on the PS2 they'd release that. I never played 1, but I loved 2. Maybe we'll get lucky in 2006? That or they hate America and don't bring over the good stuff.
Suikoden 3 and 4 were abysmal failures in the US, so I can see exactly why they wouldn't waste time putting that out over here.
Are you serious Rahul? Everyone I know was talking about Suikoden 3 and how cool it was. How many units did it move?
Problem is everyone we 'know' often like the same things...
I realize what you mean Nephtis, not really the case with my friends. We have a few common threads, but for the most part it's just friendships that spawned on common interests in like the fifth to ninth grade, as we're all grown up now very little in common. Oh well.
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