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Final Fantasy XI producer to create new PS3 MMO

  • Published at 10:15:01 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 20,717 times
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In a recent interview, Final Fantasy XI producer Hiromichi Tanaka let slip his possibility of his working on a new MMORPG for the approaching Playstation 3 and Windows Vista. Though he offered no more pieces of information, Tanaka did mention that a PS3 version of Final Fantasy XI would take two or three years to construct, thereby making any such endeavor an inefficient use of resources and his team's time better spent developing a new title.

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Yes first to write a comment. 'Two to three years' great!
im glad im not a games designer coz it must get annoying doing roughy the same thing everyday.!!
hell no, a development cycle of 2 plus years is awesome! One year cycles suck because we have to do a lot of shit, make it look just average and move on to the next. With longer times, you have more room to flex your artisic muscle :)
I guess thats a reasonable anwser. yeah your right coz they don't need to rush their work on creating a game which probably needs 2 to 3 years of development. if that makes sense.
thats a long time.
Look forward to FFXIV!
'ffXIV', why couldn't you of written it with numbers, it took me a year to find out what 5 was.....yes i do know the roman numbers now before anyone says anything!
First, it's a 4. Second, all mainstream FF titles bar Final Fantasy itself have roman numerals in them...
I know. I think
Glad we sorted that out.
me too
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