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News / 2006 / May / 08

Fabula Nova Crystallis: FINAL FANTASY XIII unveiled at E3

  • Published at 16:27:36 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 22,045 times
  • Karma:  -29 
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Final Fantasy XIII has been revealed, but it's not like we thought it would be. It's a polymorphic franchise comparable to Compilation of Final Fantasy VII titled Fabula Nova Crystallis and comes in three parts: two for Playstation 3 and one for mobile phones. Each game will feature different characters, locations, and world settings, but share a similar universe and thematic elements. Final Fantasy XIII, in brief, is developed by the Final Fantasy X-2 team, directed by Motomu Toriyama and composed by Masashi Hamauzu. Featuring a female protagonist, the game will feature the "most advanced videogame population to date". Final Fantasy Versus XIII is directed by Tetsuya Nomura and developed by the Kingdom Hearts II team and may relate to KH2's XIII Organisation. Music by Yoko Shimomura. Finally, Final Fantasy Agito XIII is an online RPG for mobile phones from the team behind Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII. Phew. So what do you think?

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Forums / News / Fabula Nova Crystallis: FINAL FANTASY XIII unveiled at E3

In case anyone is curious, "fabula nova crystallis" just translates to "the new story of the crystal". Bit of blatant Latin there.
"Compilation of Final Fantasy XII"

Oops. Fixed!
Polymorphism has been trialed, and apparently meets Square Enix's requirements for trying it out with the next FF title. Seems like Nomura was right when he said he wanted to continue trying new things, we can only hope this all ends well.
why wont they just remake final fantasy 7 for ps3. everyone wants it and they just keep on teasing.
Only hardcore fanboys want FFVII remake. The real world doesn't give a shit and neither do the development teams. Imagine being forced to spend 2 years of your life developing a game you made 10 years ago.

WTF@karma -3. Do none of you buttmunches understand the concept of Karma? I want to see 200+ on this bitch, now!
those hardcore fanboys are the ones who in fucking end are gonna rank in alot of cash for SE and in the end Cash is wat
your an idiot.
the babe has.. whaa? a gunbladeish type thing?
FFX-2 team: We get to make FF13! Awesome!

KH2 team: Your game looks like shit...we can make a better one

FFX-2 team: Nuh-UHH!!!

Wada: There is only one way to settle this.. Make TWO Final Fantasy 13's, then we'll see who's the better development team!
Personally, I just don't get how they can have an FF game without Uematsu involved with the score, much less THREE FF games without Uematsu involved with the score. I mean, come on, what's this world coming to?
Who said he wasn't? No doubt he'll compose the theme.

Edit: Note that Uematsu is indeed composing the theme. If by 'score' you don't include the theme song, ignore that. Also:

"With FINAL FANTASY XIII and FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII leading the way, the FABULA NOVA CRYSTALLIS Project continues to expand. In addition to the three titles presented here, new developments are also currently underway and will be announced at a later date."
Fully sleek! FF Versus XIII in my opinion looks better of the two. Cant wait. So many FFXIIIs and XII just came out! Good stuff broseph.
Change is good. Uematsu is over the hill, and besides that, uhh, he's left and founded his own company. Contracting him to do a full score is probably going to cost them out the ass, especially when they have perfectly adequate (read: superior) in-house composers like Shimomura and Hamauzu. Uematsu is doing work for Mistwalker's 360 games, so you won't be deprived of him anytime soon.

Be thankful they still ask him to do theme songs, like they ask Amano to do logos. Both of them are irrelevant in the greater good of Final Fantasy, because unlike clueless fanboys, Square Enix is actually smart enough not to attach its number one franchise to specific developers who may leave or move on. Final Fantasy is more than the sum of its parts as a result, and extremely versatile. It will only help the series in the long run.
Now this is just out of fucking control. I'm totally overwhelmed. I need a smoke....BUT I DON'T FUCKING SMOKE.

A conundrum!
Can I please mention Uematsu's "company" Smile Please, is just him. Seriously, it's a name for his music. It isn't full of people or anything.
Who cares about Uematsu. He can suck it. FFXIII looks awesome though.
It would be interesting to see a remake of FFVII, but only to see the power of the PS3. Comparing the two is out of the question though, PS1 vs PS3. The graphics are pretty much kickass. But really, XIII's new, it's something, it's different. This'll an interesting year for Square-Enix, fir sure. And as for Noubo Umematsu....didn't he say he was retired? WTF?
can life bring death?......or can death bring life?
Uematsu isn't retired, he's still composing music. And I agree with the ...what?
Wait, there he/she is again. My god why can't the evil stop tormenting me.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~HHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wassabiz, blasphemy is a sin - remember this.

And ???, I'm unaware of your origins, yet your words have lifted the spirits within my heart. I'm driven to the very edges of my own reason. Do me.
What the frig are you on about BWYUKO. Blasphemy? i know its a sin... why you tellin me this !? and im glad i lifted your spirit, heart thing. GOOD FOR YOU MATE.
I just found out that ??? is a guy, and worse looking for a homosexual I retract my earlier statement where I asked for doing of the nasty. Nothing against you, just not my cup of tea. Also, wassabiz, you're an idiot - pay more attention to things.
bwyuko. u can suck a left nut. i just realised what you were on about in the earlier comment. sorry buddy.
well, hopefully we can put all this behind us now and move on to better more exciting things, like Casshen. OMG, you guys have got to see the movie trailer, although, i don't know what website i saw it on, but OMG! It is that great that i have to say OMG one more time.

Casshern fucking sucks.
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