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FFXI succession a vicious rumor

  • Published at 11:19:26 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,481 times
  • Karma:  9 
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There have been some very interesting reports posted on several popular gaming websites recently that appear to detail what has been called a "Final Fantasy XI successor": a new MMORPG to inspire ridiculous Red Mage cosplay. Japanse Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) credited production to Hiromichi Tanaka, whose was responsible for the original FFXI, and declared it would release on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and upcoming Windows Vista platforms. But Nikkei, it seems, is not the ultimate source for all things Final Fantasy. Square Enix issued a press release today stating, "the Company did not make such an announcement and has not made any decisions resembling those detailed in the media report." Instead, it is, "developing an online title for next-generation platforms [...] as a completely new MMORPG". Sorry, kids. Time to put the virtual gil away.

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Forums / News / FFXI succession a vicious rumor

Google ads tell me to buy more gil...

....more...... gil.......
As long as its not another Final Fantasy MMORPG. and i know it wont be.. but just incase. FINAL FANTASY XI SUCKS SOO MUCH ASS !!
I assume you were talking about FFXI, but insulting either title is ludacris. Rachel will back me up on that one I'm sure.
Yea, i meant XI. Final Fantasy XI sucking ass is only my opinion. I just dont like MMORPGs altogether.
Really? It's only your opinion? I thought it was accomplished scientific fact.
I was reading through the article and following comments, and I found something astoundingly amazing. No one asked for your opinion. I know, I was shocked too.
At least Rahul knows what his talking about. Im free to give out my opinion whenever i want and I stick by it, FFXI sucks shit on balls.
Rahul can suck my nuts, he knows his place in this conversation. Only two of us have any real say here: those of us with multiple 75 jobs and months of logged playtime..... basically Rachel and myself. If you didn't enjoy the game it's because you either didn't have the mental capacity to make general progression; that or you are a homeless person. And as we all know, there is no room for homeless people here, it's in the site's user policy. Read it. And FFIX kicks serious ass.
I'd like to point out two things. First, "Ludacris" is the name of a rapper. "Ludicrous" is a term expressing a focused incredulity.

Second, regardless of whether or not FFXI sucks shit on balls, I beg the question of who put the shit on the balls in the first place. Because I am inclined to disbelieve that such individuals fall within the general parameters of SE's target demographic for this particular game.
ok ok. Good for you that you enjoyed FFXI so much. I couldnt care less. But im just saying.. ITS SHIT. Final Fantasy games should stick to its roots, and thats a good story, great charecters etc. i cant even believe XI was even part of final fantasy. It even got the name 'XI'. it shoulda just been FF-online. But anyway... IM OVER IT! and yes IX does kick ass... mc-stooge.

Oh and Demosthenes, thanks for making me laugh. stop thinking things literally.
Demos, that was a blatant joke.

I'm officially quitting the game. This morning (7:20AM PST) read an announcement that our friendly neighborhood SE execs had banned more than 2000 users who actively exercise the use of 3rd party software to aid them with gameplay. Most specifically, this seems to be Azaril's Windower program, a tool that ~99% of the PC players use to run the game in a window, rather than letting SE's monster full-screen monopolize their desktop use. I'd say that PC users make up at least 65% of their entire userbase, and that, after talking it over with other players/friends who also consider this a "last straw", they're going to lose nearly 75,000 to 150,000 of their current ~600,000 total users over this and the recent announcement of a "super nerf" to the Black Mage job, making the endgame experience brutal, pointless, and altogether not worth continuing for both the seasoned veterans, such as Rachel and myself, and newcomers to the PC medium. This is ridiculous, and what most believe corporate suicide for the dwindling online title anyway. I myself have lost my account for the next 72 hours, and I'd like to know the status of anyone else's account who uses the PC to play. The situation is altogether absurd; hundreds of users are shouting to sell their gear in an effort to leave the game while prices are still high on gil and accounts, and SE's apparent foot-shooting has sparked countless others to protest play and altogether cease monthly payments as a response to the BLM nerf as well.

What the hell is going on? Are they destroying their MMO fanbase on purpose? It sure as fuck seems like it. With all this talk about a second online RPG in the works makes you wonder what type of person would trust them after all of this moronic scheming. I mean, they shower their website/updates marquee with promises of the upcoming Summer Festival, the contents of the new July patch detailing new areas, monsters, adventures, chocobo racing, etc, and here and there sprinkle in between that the most predominant jobs in the game will now be entirely ineffective during most major endgame activity, and that 2000 players have been permabanned with countless others assumedly leaving also. My close circle of friends are beyond outraged. I don't know Rachel's thoughts on this, but I'm sure they're not very positive either. Also Wassabiz you're still a fucking douchebag. FF9 rules. /Flame on
You should pay more attention to their announcements.

"Today, a number of accounts which were confirmed to have violated the user agreement by using unauthorized third-party software tools within FINAL FANTASY XI to enable abnormal in-game movement were discovered and have been permanently suspended."

It wasn't people who only use windower, it was people who use windower with speedhack and POS warp. Such things are known to be used by RMT in sky, and it makes things really suck for those who don't.

Square-Enix has no method of detecting a normal Windower unless you run through Lower Jeuno shouting "Hey, I use a Windower!"

Also, it's not a BLM "nerf". Summoner and Monk are also affected, and it's only on NMs. I don't mind it at all really, it prevents people from just using 12 blms to super nuke a NM. They stated resistance will gradually go down, and if there's only 2 blm, it's hardly noticable.
Quite a bit of jargon in that last paragraph there.
I'm not an idiot Rachel. I've read the official posts, I don't use the 3rd party hacking software (besides Windower of course), I never have, and the 3 day ban is still in effect. Others I know to have never used the other tools are also banned for the 72 hour period. I don't RMT, because that's pathetic - it's easy to make gil if you know what the fuck you're doing; and my shell has lost many an Ulli claim to gilseller shells, so I feel your pain on that one for sure. Read the 40-something page BG thread on it, people are angry.

I know the effects of the nerf, I've read that fancy post as well: how it will affect every job ability and weapon skill with elemental properties as well as the elemental bloodpacts, spells, etc of many other jobs. I was giving a statement the common gamer would understand because if I was like "ZOMG SPELLS, PACTS, CHI BLAST, AND MIJIN GAKURE ARE FUCKED" no one would understand what in God's great earth I was talking about besides you.

It's hardly jargon, Z, Vana'diel is a shithole right now. People are still frantically giving shouts to sell all of their gear. Ebay is filling up with account sellers (I counted 26 recently) and the whole state of things is just a terrible mess. I'm still shocked they would do this to themselves, they might as well have just shut down the servers frankly. The game has ended for more than just me.
Actually, I meant:
Jargon (n.)- The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group.

"it prevents people from just using 12 blms to super nuke a NM."

FFXI jargon. :-)

You may now resume your pointed frustrations.
Say what..? Ahah, bwyuko, get a life will ya. Maybe u should get out of that little room of yours and hang with real some friends... if u have any.

Since obviously we all sit around computers all day and have nothing better to do.
Yeah, goddamn do I think less of myself now. How am I going to get over this one? /cutwrists
"FFXI is awesome! Damn the haters! Only Rachel and myself truly understand it!"


"This sucks! FFXI sucks! Square Enix SUCKS! Corporate suicide am total! I QUIT!"

bwyuko, you are a moron.
I had a change of heart because they fucked their userbase in the collective bottom. Don't insult my dichotomy, it's as applicable as any manic's.
I'm not insulting your dichotomy, I'm merely stating that you're a moron.
Oh, well that's entirely different.

I don't have time for this anymore I'm playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth.
I think Rahul might apologize if you write us a reader review when you're done.


Actually, I wouldn't put my money on it, but it's worth a shot.


Even though I know he won't anyway...Scandinavian bastard.
Scandinivian? wtf?
Well, I got my information from top sources, which show that you are from the Netherlands, which I originally read as "Norway" (because that's one of the things that is sacrifiecd for the sake of a good drug addiction: reading). So...

I read "Norway."
I wrote "Scandinavian."
It was really the "Netherlands."
You're not much better off either way; the end.
Nevertheless, happening to live in a certain country doesn't necessarily mean I am als of that nationality.
Rahul is black. Isn't that right, brotha?
youso whatchumana kay?
Rahul transcends racial boundaries with his consummate manliness.
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