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Date set for Advent Children: Less Shitty Edition

  • Published at 19:15:30 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment will be releasing a limited edition "Collector's Set" of the movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children on DVD in North America. Due out February 6th and selling for $49.95, the DVD package promises to be far less shitty than the original feature.
The new collector's set will come complete with footage from the Venice Film Festival premiere, an extended version "The Distance" making-of featurette with the English voice cast, the Reminiscence of FINAL FANTASY VII Story Digest, and the anime OVA called Last Order. The disc also includes a bonus scene in which Sephiroth kills Cloud, along with other segments that were deleted from the film to make it not so obviously a complete piece of shit. Along with these bonuses, the Collector's Set will include ten postcards that are printed with artwork from the movie and a character booklet that contains biographies of all the major characters appearing in the shitty and not-as-shitty edition of the feature film.

Meanwhile, Japan is scheduled to receive the least shitty edition of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children the world has ever known. Advent Children Complete for the Blue Ray Disc format promises to be completely less shitty than ever before by taking advantage of the improved audio and video quality of the Blue Ray format. The new cut is scheduled to be released in mid-2007.

Advent Children fans, please don't forget to tap the negative karma button on your way out.

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"Last Order" wasn't so bad..when I watched it, you know, a year ago.
Here it is:
Last Order
Meanwhile EzyDVD has the current 2 disc version for $12.92 (AUD) in Australia. It already includes all of the above-mentioned features excluding Last Order, because Square Enix are tools and were unable to see a fine piece of animation in dollar terms for the west.
Square Enix marketing is no match for YouTube, it seems.
I'm kind of interested in seeing the deleted scene where Sephiroth slices off the top of Cloud's head and stomps on his brain before they continue fighting.

I'm not saying I'm $50 interested. Just interested.
I bet he just flies up and stabs him right when he appears, and then laughs like a maniac for three full minutes.
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