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Pope ostracizes videogames

  • Published at 21:24:50 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
  • Read 21,688 times
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In his most courageous stance since condemning birth control and same-sex marriage, Pope Benedict XVI has taken a bold stand against videogames. "Any trend to produce programs and products—including animated films and video games," said the Pope, "which in the name of entertainment exalt violence and portray anti-social behavior or the trivialization of human sexuality is a perversion." The papal leader suggested children enjoy fine art, classical music, and sumptuous meats and wines instead. "How could one explain this 'entertainment' to the countless innocent young people who actually suffer violence, exploitation and abuse?" remarked the religious leader. "The Catholic Church cannot advocate any custom or convention that involves the exploitation and abuse of children."
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI spoke boldly against the exploitation of innocent children, by means of which the videogame industry has amassed its enormous fortune. Speaking to the one billion faithful, a sixth of the planet's population, the Pope advised parents to restrict children from exposure to games. The religious leader, whose own childhood in Germany was sheltered by the loving guidance of the Hitler Youth organization, decried the exaltation of violence by popular culture. "I appeal to the leaders of the media industry to educate and encourage producers to safeguard the common good, to uphold the truth, to protect individual human dignity and promote respect for the needs of the family," said the Sovereign of the Vatican State. "Any institution that would undermine human dignity and obscure the truth cannot be tolerated by the Catholic Church."

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LOL this is beautiful. Pope Jean Paul was so much cooler
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