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Another angle on Crisis Core

  • Published at 22:18:59 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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The Members Only section of the Square Enix official website has offered visitors another look at the involved storyline of the Final Fantasy VII prequel for the PSP. Preliminary information on Crisis Core's dramatis personae suggests this just might be the best thing to happen to the Sony handheld since... ever? Now with English subtitles.

The PSP prequel to Final Fantasy VII features characters from the Playstation RPG, along with never-before-seen denizens of Midgar. For details about the game's novel gameplay, Square Haven's PSPreview goes into some detail. The spoiler-free information provided below, together with the following Japanese scans, should offer an intro to the characters appearing in Square Enix's upcoming title.

Zack Fair: the central protagonist of Crisis Core, Zack grew up in the town of Gongaga and left to join Shinra's military force, Soldier. He befriends Aerith after falling through a skylight, his fall fortunately broken by a flower garden. He also meets Cloud during the events taking place in Crisis Core, who hopes to be accepted as an elite member of Soldier.

Angeal Hewley: a mentor figure to the newer recruits at Soldier, his skills in battle are unquestionably advanced. He maintains an aloof profile, distancing himself from Zack's youthful enthusiasm. He explains in the Jump Festa trailer that the Buster sword he wields, he prefers not to use in combat, for fear of spoiling the pristine quality of the blade.

Genesis: a first-class Shinra Soldier, Genesis worked closely with Sephiroth before suddenly rebelling against the establishment. He is childhood friends with Angeal, but does not share the same high ideals and lofty attitudes. The character is played by JRocker Gackt, who had a brief appearance as the character in Dirge of Cerberus.

Lazard: the head of Shinra's Soldier division, Lazard is shrouded in mystery. All signs show that he will play an important role in the story of Crisis Core, but it has yet to be revealed just where his allegiances lie.

The game is directed by Hajime Tabata with original characters by Tetsuya Nomura and music by Takeharu Ishimoto. It is due out in Spring of 2007 in Japan.

Crisis Core scans

Crisis Core Trailer 2

Crisis Core Trailer 2 w/ English subtitles

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