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Square Enix Receives New North American CEO

  • Published at 12:57:04 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,316 times
  • Karma:  -6 
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As a part of its restructuring of the management chain, Square Enix has announced that European head John Yamamoto will be assuming the North American role from our very dear friend, sometimes polymorhpic madman, Yoichi Wada. Yamamoto, who was responsible for increasing the Square Enix PAL presence, will be retaining his current duties as European head, while former North American President Daishiro Okada will become chairman of the branch. Is this new hope for a revitalized North American Square Enix? The real question is: unlike Wada, does Yamamoto know how to smile?

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I demand Yamamoto's first order of business to be localizing Front Mission 1ST DS. Then I demand Bakusou Yankee Tamashii. No modification of these conditions will be accepted.
And I demand given he's still taking care of Europe to flout all previous statements and release Chrono Cross. FOOLS.
I demand I be reimbursed for my copy of Chrono Cross.
Boo Chrono Cross or boo Jeriaka?
Boo Jeriaska, I want Chrono Cross without having to import it, and without having to work out a cheap method of playing it.
You still haven't played it? I don't think it's worth it at this point in time. It's practically irrelevant. Then of course there is some among us who call it an abomination.
What are you booing me for? I'm not responsible for your not having Chrono Cross.
I'm booing you because you demanded to be reimbursed, while I can't get it that's all. You'd understand if you lived here.

At least Europe isn't being ignored so much anymore. Hell, even Dirge of Cerberus came out here, though I don't think anyone cared.
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