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Sakaguchi: Final Fantasy XII sucks, Blue Dragon an extension of Chrono Trigger

  • Published at 04:09:01 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 23,511 times
  • Karma:  -10 
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I'm an ASSHOLE!Next month's EGM has an interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi, currently at Mistwalker, in which he's asked what he thinks of Final Fantasy XII. His answer? "I just played the beginning. You really can't expect much from the game when Yasumi Matsuno, a crucial member of the team, leaves in the middle of development." Also: "When creating Blue Dragon, Dragon Quest wasn't on my mind. I was actually thinking about Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon is an extension of that game.". More at the link!

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Kinda hard to disagree with the truth, I guess.
Hey if someone leaving half way through a projects earns them a perfect Famitsu score, I think that's better than the huge excuse for a film (not to mention large financial loss) FF:TSW was.
Famitsu Shmamitsu. FFXII was fundamentally broken conceptually and execution-wise. It's a miracle its gameplay held up the way it did.
Sounds kind of bitter to me.
Yeah, I think that's the relevance of the article, that Sakaguchi is bitter. Not that FFXII "held" despite its numerous problems during development. The fact is that it's undoubtedly one of the best-received Final Fantasy titles in the series' history, not to mention probably the best received S-E title since Vagrant Story.
It's still true, though. Matsuno dropped out halfway through and the game ended up representing the development cycle's turmoil almost to a tee. So when Sakaguchi says yeah, it's borked because Matsuno dropped, then I agree. Because that's what happened.

So in other words, just because Famitsu gave FFXII a 40/40 doesn't mean the game was in fact perfect. I think Famitsu's rating more accurately represents its Hype rating than its actual one. I certainly wouldn't give it a perfect score; not with that ending.
Yeah, I totally agree, it's defintely not perfect. I would take off points just for Vaan's abs. But it's still the best Square title I've played in a long-ass time.
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