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News / 2007 / May / 29

Front Mission 1st headed to North America after all

  • Published at 11:36:21 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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While we may have to wait until E3 for an official announcement, the chances of seeing Front Mission for the Nintendo DS in North America are looking pretty solid. In addition to the Front Mission Project blog posting a screenshot of the English-language port, Gamestop has listed the NA release date as October 2. Indeed, all signs point to English-language players gaining access to Front Mission... finally.

Doubts as to whether Front Mission 1st was actually receiving a North American port were raised earlier this month when RPGamer ran an interview with some of Square Enix's North American PR representatives. When asked whether Front Mission 5: Scars of the War and Front Mission 1st stood a chance of appearing overseas, Assistant Manager Charlie Sinhaseni was quoted as saying, "At this time, we have no plans to bring that title over either."

The statement put a damper on the confirmation made by the Front Mission Project Blog prior to the Square Enix Party. Here is a translation of the Blog post for April 20, 2007 courtesy of Square Haven contributor LegaiaRules, slightly edited by me:

"The North American Edition

Though it has not been written about, there will be some changes to the North American edition of Front Mission 1st.


We originally made these sorts of vocab mistakes, so there will be modifications this time, also including issues concerning window size.

In addition, Wanzer parameters will be indicated by icons. Some things are difficult to translate into English, but there will be less reason to refer to the manual when trying out the North American version. The port will be understood more intuitively through the inclusion of status icons.

Once we have prepared some images of the North American version, we'll post them here."

It turns out that the RPGamer interview has since been amended. The news item now reads as follows:

RPG: What about Front Mission 1st for the DS?

Charlie: We have not made any announcements yet regarding Front Mission 1st for North America.

In addition, Gamestop has started taking pre-orders for the game, which is tentatively scheduled for an October 2 release. Thanks, LegaiaRules!


The Front Mission Project bloggers wrote the following statement in their official website today, leading us to believe Front Mission is indeed coming to America:

北米版の「FRONT MISSION 1ST」はタイトルから1STが外れるみたいです。FFも1作目にはナンバーついてないしね。昔に戻るわけですね。

In short, Front Mission 1st is headed to North American Nintendo DS's as "Front Mission." The Front Mission Project blog, which is written by members of the Japanese development team, revealed today that Front Mission 1st for the Nintendo DS will be headed to North America, in truncated form. "In North America," tells the new blog entry, "the title of Front Mission 1st will be without the 1st part. Kinda like how the original Final Fantasy wasn't called Final Fantasy I, I guess. Just like old times, huh?"

Backing up the statement, a screenshot with English-language dialog not found in the original Japanese release was uploaded to the blog at this address:

Apparently the developers posted the screenshot on May 11th with the note "Now awaiting the official announcement." Here it is:


Exciting news for English-language Front Mission fans, though purists might be disappointed to hear that Kalen is now "Karen." Hopefully Roid will not be "Lloyd" in North America. Because that would suck.

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Forums / News / Front Mission 1st headed to North America after all

Hey, totally awesome.

Now I can take Front Mission on the go! This almost makes up for my lack of Front Mission 5. No. No, actually it doesn't.
Knew this back when Front Mission Project Blog confirmed it in April, but it's nice to know word is being spread out. There's word that if Front Mission 1st DS does fine, Front Mission 5 might be released overseas.
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