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News / 2007 / May / 30

Final Fantasy IV DS trailer premieres

  • Published at 11:30:19 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
  • Read 21,390 times
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The first trailer for the Nintendo DS remake of Final Fantasy IV went live earlier today. The teaser includes CG cutscenes, dramatic voice acting, and fully orchestrated remixes of classic Uematsu themes. Meanwhile, Takashi Tokita, the original game's scenario writer, promises the most epic rendition of the classic RPG possible on the portable Nintendo console—broadening the scope of Final Fantasy IV's story and expanding into three dimensions, while preserving the appeal of the original 16-bit classic. But can it be done?
The first trailer of Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS centers on a conversation between protagonists Rosa and Cecil, accompanied by an orchestrated version of the theme of love. Asked why he is departing with the elite air force unit of the monarchy of Baron, the captain of the Red Wings explains that he intends on capturing the Water Crystal from the inhabitants of Mysidia. It is an order, straight from the king himself.

The story is familiar to those who have played through the game on the Super Nintendo, Sony Playstation, Wonderswan Color, and/or Game Boy Advance. Unfamiliar are the trailer's emotional voiceovers, CG sequences depicting towering crystals and the Dragoon Kain, or the organ arrangement of Golbez's theme as the new Amano logo appears.

"What has happened to the Cecil I love?" asks Rosa as the trailer reaches its conclusion. Many fans invested in the look of the 2D original were likely asking themselves the same question last week, when Square Enix announced its plans to remake the game ala Final Fantasy III. It will be some time before it is known how prominently the FMV visuals and streaming sounds will figure in the final version, considering the hardware limitations of the DS portable, or whether the in-game polygonal graphics and expanded storyline will live up to the abundant strengths of the original title.

Final Fantasy IV DS trailer

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