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Final Fantasy XIII exclusivity confusion, Dragon Quest IX certainty

  • Published at 10:39:03 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 25,974 times
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Hirokazu Hamamura, overlord of Famitsu, spoke this week to a convocation of Tokyo journalists regarding his thoughts on token items such as Final Fantasy XIII, Dragon Quest IX, and a bright future for the Nintendo Wii.

A speech to Tokyo journalists this week featured several notable statements by Hirokazu Hamamura, president of Enterbrain Inc. (publisher of Famitsu), stating that there is no guarantee for PS3 exclusivity for Final Fantasy XIII and Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4. This is a rather odd take considering Famitsu interviewed Testuya Nomura recently, with the result that he confirmed Final Fantasy XIII to be PS3 exclusive. It looks like we're going to need an official company statement before the issue is resolved.

On a more certain note, Hamamura declared yet again that Dragon Quest IX would undoubtedly clear five million units to become Japan's biggest-selling title. Additionally, candy will rain down from the sky and rancid fruit will turn to money.

Meanwhile, Hamamura pointed deftly at the Wii's widening lead in the console market, ensuring the investing masses that it would post the largest sales growth during the holiday season. A massive increase in supply will hopefully precede such a burst, as copies of the console, at least here in the U.S., remain scarce.

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