March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Star Ocean 4 becomes trilogy, drags PS3 and XBox 360 into nonsense

  • Published at 19:13:30 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 25,588 times
  • Karma:  -70 
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A recent tri-Ace announcement has unveiled that Star Ocean 4, which we've seen very little of lately, will be partitioned into three titles - Star Ocean 4: First Departure, Star Ocean 4: Second Evolution and Star Ocean 4: Till the End of Time. While the naming might seem familiar, let us also reflect on the first departure of such an idea: the sales disaster that was Monolith Soft's Xenosaga series. If the second evolution of this style of gaming venture fails to echo Xenosaga director Tetsuya Takahashi's ambitious sentiments, then everything might turn out alright. An additional announcement stated that the titles will be available for both the Playstation 3 and the XBox 360. Thusly does exclusivity fall away, 'till the end of time. EDIT: Well, it turns out this entire mess was one big hoax, and you can call it an early April Fools' joke if you like. The intermediary which translated this source to bring us this news shall remain nameless, suffice to say that they are bad, bad people.

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