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Kojima's Gamecube title Eclipse confirmed

  • Published at 00:17:00 PT
  • Reported by Matt Berti
  • Read 20,275 times
  • Karma:  53 
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Gameforms reports that Konami has confirmed Hideo Kojima's Eclipse for Gamecube. The title is described as "a game focused on the family unit and telling the story of a son trying to 'eclipse' his father's legacy." This will be Kojima's first venture on a Nintendo system since the NES.

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Forums / News / Kojima's Gamecube title Eclipse confirmed

Huh.... what happened to Gameforms ?

It looks like it went the way of The GIA, just... not as prettily.
What are you talking about? It's still there.
I have to say, the part about the family unit makes me fear what the game is going to be like - last time Kojima did family unit tales (MGS2 spoilers ahead), we had Otacon sleeping with his stepmother while his stepsister drowned in the pool. Scary.
True, true. I'm fairly skeptical of the title myself. But perhaps it's naive of me to expect something along the lines of Metal Gear, or anything remotely in sync with my intelligence factor, for that matter.
Well, Kojima stated on the MGS2 extra DVD (that we in Europe received along with the game) that he wanted to do something focused on the family, while still holding true to his famous depth. It sounds scary; we could just as easily get a Japanese Sims adventure title. But since it's Kojima, I guess I'm willing to sit back and wait to see what this supposed legend can come up with.
"supposed legend"? I don't think Kojima's status is a question. He's undoubtedly proven himself to be one of gaming's greatest.
I sort of said that because I didn't know what you guys would consider him to be. So there. :P
Well, if you write simply that "Kojima is a legend," at the very least you think so. It could be inferred that that is the consensus regarding Kojima.
Meh. :P
Damnit, why the flying fuck can't I go to Gameforms ?

Pisses me right the fuck off.

I get this really stupid "log in" page "Powered by Ensim"... I think I somehow managed to get they're site control panel.
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