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Final Fantasy XII unveiled

  • Published at 01:24:46 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 22,070 times
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What the hell is his name???One week before Square Enix's official unveiling of the title, Shonen Jump has shots of Final Fantasy XII, which Quiter happily got digitized for you. Judge them for yourself, then get into the forums to talk about it! Update: The main hero and heroine appear to be named, respectively, Van and Ashe. Whether the two characters merge into a super-summon-hybrid called "Vanish" is unknown as of yet.

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Forums / News / Final Fantasy XII unveiled

holy shit.... *explodes* why is today so fucking good?
*creams pants* I am as excited about this game as I am about Advent Children...
ugh, sorry for the first fake comment.

i am SO excited! go team go!
The future of Final Fantasy looks amazing! I can't wait for it!
Haha! I was RIGHT! Well, somewhat right at least..I mean, I thought it was Van and Ashey, so I was off by one letter. =)
look at the little bangaa thing the background of the screenshot on the right!!!

I know that it may sound wrong but I miss the days of the PS1. I loved the game and sorry graphics because I knew it was a work of art, not a virtual reality-like game.
It doesn't mean that it's still not art. It's greater detailed and more realistic art really. Besides, there have always been CGI (which is what we saw in those pics) in 'almost' every Final Fantasy game. I like greater detail and graphics. It's great to see clouds swirling above while the sky flashes and lets loose an amazing bolt of lighting rather than casting a yellow 2D stick that comes down onto the enemy. The realistic and crisper graphics make for a better RPG (this only my opinion of course) because of what the game is... a Role Playing Game. It just makes you feel closer to the world. Not sure what your world looks like but mine isn't made of 16bit squares made up of only 30 colors flying around. I dunno just my opinion but I like the way it looks. (Though, don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the old-school graphics too.)
Yeah I know, last night I had a few too many Green teas and Chaos Blade Sandwitches. But seriously, to be truthful, the little room in my mind is acually a huge manga book where nothing moves. I don't know why it isn't animated. And that was not sarcasm.
And also, the 16-but stories are still the best(except FF5).Along with FF7 & Tactics. Those were really good too.
I meant 16-bit.
I just dont understand how you consider it 'not' art. or less art simply because it is a different form of art. it just doesn't make sense to me, the stories for the 3d games are beautiful too so I guess your just a fanboy who is afraid of change. I personally, go to school to DO this kind of art, and yes it is an art school, computer animation isn't fucking sience or analology it is art, just as much as drawing is... maybe even more since you can do more with it. I mean, the first thing I thought seeing those pic's was 'sexy artwork' or something along those lines... actually... I just went into convulsions. I'm not trying to bitch at you I just don't understand your logic...
I dont know, I just feel that with such an old system, it is a great achevement to acheve the same great emotional effect as new games. I don't know maybe its because I like the book version of every thing. Or maybe I just feel that the stories are too beutifull. And we all know deep down that nothing is original any more. But the new games are still excelent. And I look at this differently because I'm have been trying to come up with my own original stories. I'm seriously thinking about writing my own script and everything. I even draw them and keep a skrap book of my ideas.
That really sounded crappy, didn't it...
Lemme try to figure out what you are trying to say... you're talking about story told through the graphics, correct?

It's hard to tell what you're saying because I don't think you really have the words... but I think you're talking about how the story is physically told through imagery. You said that it was a great achievment to tell a story and have it have a great emotional impact through an old system because of the limitations in art yet still being able to convey an awesome story, right? I see what you're saying... I think... to be able to tell such a great story through limited tools, but that's goes to my point... Yeah that is a good feat but so what? Other stories that are easilier told through increased graphics and effets aren't good because it was easier to convey a story through them? So the old stuff is only a master peice to you cause it was harder to make because it was harder to show it through the graphics?

So the same game, with the same story would be shittier if the graphics were much better allowing for better conversion of the story throug art?


Just because the art is more realistic and easier to explain a story through deosn't mean the story sucks, or it's bad, or anything. I think you find the old games as masterpeices and better than the newer ones because it has challenges of telling a stroy through lousey resources. ...That's (I think) why you went to the point of new games stories to be unoriginal... because the feat to make a story is much smaller with new systems. So you tell yourself it's blah, and not a good story.

Hmm... really this post was a disection of your thoughts.

I hope that's what you meant because I was trying to clarify that for myself and for you as well so we may better understand why you feel this way. ...My brain hurts now... lol.

Words are crap man... there should be an easier way to express oneself. X_X
HaHaHaHa! Non paparsi cica esso.(
The only reason everyone adheres to the older games is because when they played them, they were younger and had experienced a lot less in terms of storytelling at that point in their lives. Why does everything Square does now seem lacking in the creativity department? Possibly because you think you've seen it before. You think it won't live up to that one game that just blew you away, be if FFVI, FFVII, CT, or whatever. But the only person you're fooling is yourself: congratulations, you are now considered a more mature gamer than the core Square Enix audience. Square Enix is no longer "for you". So either take what they give you and shut up, or move on to something refreshing that you haven't seen three times before.

But it certainly doesn't have anything to do with the limitations of expression due to graphical prowess: that much is certain, since books and movies are judged independently and not considered superior or inferior compared to one another.
so your saying FFX wasn't origional? that just doesnt make sense... I mean honestally! it still just doesn't make any sense to me where you are getting these... thoughts... of yours... and its true, (god, thank you rahul!) your just being sentimental from childhood games. Yeah the old stories are beautiful and the new ones are just as beautiful, and how can you say this about FFXII when you know nothing of the story? and you know even the first games aren't 'origional' everything comes from something... mostly lord of the rings which is one of the oldest of its kind of stories... every final fantasy has similarities, but that doesn't make them 'lesser' or 'unorigional' because they have their own style. and I think it might be best for you to get some real training on how the business works before submitting your own ideas anywhere, this is not to be insulting, I'm just telling you something which should be common sense, that many people who are young think they are so origional but companies like Square get 100000 things like that every day, they pay people to come up with ideas, constantly every day... so dont believe you are more 'origional' than they are... because that kind of thinking is just bad for you. a lot of the things you are saying are just very... ignorant. and I hate to be condecending but there is really no other way to put it so sorry if it's harsh, it's just the cold, ass raping truth boy!
I agree with Yuna. My first was FFFVII, however i am looking forward and backward. FFVII remains my favourite, yet i know that it was my first, therefore i can not really say that it is my true favourite...

Change is gonna happen, if you are a fan of ANY game company, you will know this. Squenix is merely investing in a better immersion experience, providing a better story telling game. The old games are nostalgic for some, or, fun for me, but they are just as good as today's games. There is no great line between them, they are part of an awesome collection.

(Nephtis, formerly known as Dragmire, who's comments won't post)
Yeah, I agree with Yuna too. I'm to tired to comment though.
well I am in school for game art design, and the teacher for my class that is all about the business tells us every class that you can't just be like 'hey guys, check out MY fabulous idea, you should be privelaged' because they will laugh at you, it's how the real world works ^_^
O.K. I should never have opened my mouth because the right words didn't come out. Let me just put it this way: Ahem,*country music playing in the backround* "Don't forget the old, don't let your love go cold, this is just a tribute......"
I know this has been said before, but I must say it agin...The male charcter in FFXII is way to wimpy looking. I was hopeing for another kick ass like Cloud or Squall. When I saw these pictures my spirits droped. Now all I can hope for is some more realy kick ass charcters or the best story in the history of the Final Fantasy games. Im not saying they are geting less creative, Im saying they are catering to girl players too much. All Im saying is these first pictures don't make the game all that exciting to me, what it does do is make me think about how sweet Final Fantasy VII-2 The game is going to be.
yea..the main character looks kinda like a girl o_O *dies*
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