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Chrono Break broken as Square Enix steps on the brakes

  • Published at 11:30:57 PT
  • Reported by Rachel Lindsay
  • Read 23,585 times
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As of November 13, 2003, Squenix abandoned their registry of the title 'Chrono Break' with the US Patent Office. However, still registered in Japan is the title 'Chrono Brake'. Also notable is the fact that Chrono series creator Masato Kato left Square Enix to pursue a freelance career, and recently worked on MonolithSoft's Baten Kaitos. Whether this means a cancellation of the game itself, it's US release, or merely a delay, it's all uncertain for the time being.

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Forums / News / Chrono Break broken as Square Enix steps on the brakes

ahh! rachel you sexy girl you! I always said you knew everything... or did I say that about me??? uh! this news sucks, there better be no cancelation! *must have chrono break* stupid... freelance... er...
This sucks. I was looking forward to Chrono Break. Let's hope they are going to do it, despite this setback (as long as it's not a cellphone game).
I'm not sure when Masato Kato left Square but a reader of mine pointed out he appeared on stage representing Square in February of 2003 for an AMD award ceremony regarding FFXI. I think this just gives us hope he's still on good terms with Square (his "team" still works on FFXI) - because Baten Kaitos was announced in July as a "almost completed title" so I'm certain he would have done the scenario writing for that game back in 2002 or something...
He left Square some time after the completion of FFXI
weak, I was looking forward to a chrono that followed magus after trigger...
Food for thought:

It's worth noting that there are four different patents on the name Kingdom Hearts. Three of them are Live and owned by Disney. One of them is Dead and owned by Square.

But that game still came out.
That might be relevant if the Chrono series was developed in conjunction with some other company that could then buy over the trademarks, but it's not, so what's your point?
This really sucks Chrono Trigger is a really good game ,with sweet charecters .
i really wanted to see another game in the chrono series.
chrono sucks
i really wanted to see another game in the chrono series.
chrono is gay and is nothing like FF's
Chrono does not suck!
Chrono is way better than Quina.
Chrono is way better than Quina.
Turk, Quina, cease and desist at once. If you wish to continue this line of bitchery, please, join the forums and continue it in PM.
I like cherry pie. :3
cool ,i like pie to.
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