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Square Enix reiterates importance of European market; mentions interesting detail about Advent Children

  • Published at 06:08:01 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 21,243 times
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watch cloud kick ass from multiple angles! wait, what?In the newest edition of German gaming news magazine MCV, Square Enix underlined its plans for making its European operation larger than its Japanese one.

The company made clear that its future plans in Europe may lead to a larger importance for the region than even Japan. The North American market is already technically larger (though less hardcore) than the Japanese one, so news of Europe's increased importance isn't too strange.

So, Square Enix is going to focus on expanding its fields in Europe to promote Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest (apparently its three key franchises), as well as push its other services such as mobile and online games.

It will also be introducing more new forms of entertainment, of which the "interactive movie Final Fantasy VII Advent Children" is an example. Whatever that means.

The company concluded that Europe and other PAL regions (such as Australia) will become comparable to or larger than the Japanese market.

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i-i-interactive movie?? what the fuck... someone, namely me, needs to go down to square, beat some bitches up and be like STOP FUCKING WITH MY BRAIN YOU MEATHEAD! STOP I CANT TAKE IT! and what i really wanna know is... is it the engrish? or do they just *enjoy* watching their fans explode?
You gotta be jackin' me! Isn't an interteractive movie also calle da video game?
I see,
So we are actually becoming important to them huh?
Well it can only mean good news that's for sure.
You don't have to worry though yuna.
I don't think this will have any effect on the american market.
Now let's just hope that all the other companies are willing to do the same thing sooner or later.
Like namco.
Quoting: '' well as push its other services such as mobile and online games.'' '' games.'' Aahahahah! XDDDDDDDDDDDD is this what i really think it is? What other online game does squenix have? Oh my god now i can't sleep no more, w00t, yay, and some of wah! and AH! and MUAHAH! Finally _DECENT_ news to my ears >:D woopass.
I would say a long over-due move for our japanese friends to make, europe as a gaming market is a goldmine after all - I certainly look forward to seeing what will come of this
why dont sqare care bout europeans? i meen it took fifnal fantasy till its 7th title 2 b realesed over here and now no 11 4 ps2?? wtf the matter wiv em?!?
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