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Nobuo Uematsu fan club accepting members

  • Published at 18:10:34 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 20,968 times
  • Karma:  39 
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Loyal fans who desire membership in the Nobuo Uematsu official fan club have only until February 20th to fulfill their lifelong dreams. For a scant 4,000 yen ($37.85), the price of an annual membership, fans will receive three editions of a fan magazine, as well as an exclusive DVD recording from last years concert series "Tour de Japon: Music from Final Fantasy."

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Oh wow... I had heard he died in a car accident a few years back and was thinkin' he was still dead. Shocking!
You must be thinking of Gumpei Yokoi, the inventor of the Game Boy ( among other things) who suffered that fate in 1997.

Though how you got him confused with Nobuo Uematsu is simply beyond me.
Yokoi didn't die in a car accident so much as he was hit BY a car.
I also have no idea how you got that confused, especially because of the recent concerts that Uematsu has been attending, the journal entries he has been writing, and the music he has been composing...

Don't you read SquareHaven news?
Someone reads Square Haven news?
Of course not Rahul. He would otherwise obviously know that Nobuo Uematsu is alive and well.
Even without the news though, I suppose he also doesn't read the credits at the start or end of games either, or he'd see Uematsu's name there as well.
OK OK... So I lied, I never thought he was dead. I was just remembering when Square's attorneys were going to take me to court over a lil mishap with an article that was posted starting that Mr. Uematsu had been killed in a car accident. Heh...
What? I demand to hear more of this.
As part of the opening for a website I was working on, another staff member posted an article for our tabloid stating that Mr. Uematsu had been killed in a car accident. Well... Seeing as how most webmasters are idiots and take everything that any website posts as true, the article was reproduced all across the Internet. Didn't take long for Square to catch it and trace it back to what is now a dead website. I had been on a slight "break" at the time, returned home, checked my emaila and mail, and found that Square's attorneys were demanding a written apology as well as an apology to Mr. Uematsu and a statement that the article was entirely false and that Square has notified us asking the article be removed.

A few websites posted articles about it but they all seem to now be defunkt.
:O What website was that?
Square Unlimited...

It helped to bring in close to 200,000 unique visitors in less than a twenty-four hour period. Unfortunately, the site never actually opened...
Oh, you were one of THOSE were you. Don't worry. Square Haven went through an 'extended' 'reopening' phase known as Procrastination from 2001-2002. And then I came onboard and everything turned out fine!
Square Unlimited! I remember that piece of crap. We used to be affiliates.
*LOL* Damn Matt, ain't you just a smart cookie. Hehehe...

It would've been a sweet site if we would've been able to open. Though only one person held a backup of most of the site and that person refuses to surrender the back-up to me. Oh well, shit happens, right?
That story is great, it's always fun to hear when such a stupid or simple joke turns into something far greater.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Speaking of Uematsu, has anyone here heard Fantasy Reborn yet?
No, what's that?
A guy named Michael Huang has been doing piano arrangements of Uematsu pieces in a project that he is calling fantasy reborn. They're all really good (at least the ones I've heard)
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