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News / 2005 / May / 20

E3: Allard hints at next-gen Square Enix project

  • Published at 04:14:27 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,675 times
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An interview with Xbox exec J Allard on Eurogamer had him suggesting -- though he declined to be specific -- that there would be future projects available for Xbox 360 by Square Enix besides the abysmally irrelevant port of Final Fantasy XI, which was announced earlier this week. He refrained from going into detail, however, instead claiming that the interviewers should contact Square Enix themselves if they wanted to know if anything was happening, but did point out that the "tech demo" displayed during the Microsoft conference may not just be that.

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I sense a disturbance in the force...
I did too... to think Square would have anything to do with a failing system's sequel that will go the way of the Dreamcast. *snort* Hopefully someone will scream "NINTENDO! RUN FAR AWAY! MUST GET HOOKSHOT!"
What the hell is the Xbox 360?
I really...really hope you aren't serious, please tell me that was a joke in poor taste. Otherwise I will be forced to laugh at you for a loooong time.
you better start laughing because i really have no idea
Well take a wild guess as to what it is, and we'll go from there.
Oh dear, you really don't know what it is. Alright, I'll tell you. It's a special type of new controller to go into the Xbox, and it can be refitted into any hand position, hence the title 360.
(Insert loooong laugh here)
Actually, no. Because that was lame. And not funny.
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