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News / 2005 / May / 22

E3: Youchi Wada Q/A

  • Published at 04:12:33 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 22,958 times
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A Q&A session between members of the press and Wada & Hashimoto unveiled some (fairly obvious) details concerning topics like Xbox 360, PlayOnline, Before Crisis, Advent Children and World of Mana.
  • Final Fantasy XI on Xbox 360 will use the PlayOnline service, allowing players to play alongside those accessing Vana'diel from PS2 or PC. This is aside of earlier news that the Xbox 360 would sport an improved PlayOnline gateway.
  • Square Enix is looking into porting other PlayOnline titles to Xbox 360 in the future (like what? Tetra Master?)
  • The company is also looking into releasing FFXI for other platforms that would support it (such as Revolution)
  • Although Square Enix fully intends to release Before Crisis in North America, Wada mentioned that mobile phone technology has not reached the point there yet that it could support the technology used in the game. Additionally, he stated the hope to make the game platform independent along the lines of other PlayOnline titles, so that you could play the game with other users regardless of their service providers.
  • Although Final Fantasy XII isn't playable at E3, Wada promised that there would be a special Square Enix event in July where the game will be showcased.
  • Wada also confirmed that Advent Children will be dubbed for a North American release, and said that he would consider releasing it with Japanese voice/English subtitles as well.
  • Crisis Core's look is not dependent on the Before Crisis-style anime preview that was prepeared for the E3 showing. Wada also stated there will be gameplay features inherent in the title that take advantage of the PSP hardware.
  • As for the World of Mana, which is being referred to as a series, Square Enix is planning to implement the franchise as another instance of Polymorphism?. There are no details as yet.

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Look out, more Polymorphism?. And if Wada doesn't release the Japanese audio with subtitles I'll burn down his office when I go to Japan next year.
If we get sued because you're threatening Square Enix, I'm going to go Sephiroth on your abdomen.
Hahaha, if you get sued, I'll go back to the 'only in America' saying I have. And I would have said the same thing if this website didn't exist.
Serious miscalculation if the subtitiled version isn't released. More then one fan will wish to go Sephiroth on WADA. >;)
Well Nomura stated in that interview that Rahul linked to that Sony Pictures will be distributing AC, and they will be bringing it out with both language audio tracks. If they don't we burn down their office.
That would be kind of cool if the released FFXI on the revolution. The only problem is i wouldnt buy the game because i have to spend like 10 bucks a month. Plus I probably wouldnt buy the system either because that is another couple hundred bucks. So that totally screws me over now I dont get anything.
Oh noes! $10/month!

Well, Mana gets polymorphic and FFXII is finally on the way. Yay.
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