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Radiata Stories slated for North American release

  • Published at 10:28:39 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 22,673 times
  • Karma:  52 
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Square Enix has now announced that Tri-Ace smash hit Radiata Stories will be released in North America on September 9, 2005 for an MSRP of $49.99 (USD). Radiata follows the story of Jack and Ridley as they meet under different and dire circumstances to make a difference in interactive environments and a real time battle system. Sporting 150 playable characters and a colossal world, it's sure to cause a ruckus come September.

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Forums / News / Radiata Stories slated for North American release

Uhh, how nice. September 9; I can't wait to play this one. :D
Yay, let's hope Square-Enix continue their recent 'we'll actually publish all titles that come out in the U.S' idea.
Oh, indeed. I don't think another Seiken Densetsu 3-like atrocity would be welcome...

Guess this second semester will be a busy one.
It'll be a busy time when/if they decide to release KH II and FFXII in particular.
Nah, KH2 probably isn't coming out until summer, so we shouldn't have to worry about over-obsessed fans until then.
March 15, actually.
You daft americans, getting radiata stories and euroupe gets nothing. I hope america get bombed or flooded and i take it all back if radiata stories is stated for a european release dates. england and europe rule forever
and also, it is 7:15 pm in the uk.
thats quite and intersting out look on the USA. I hope for your sake no one gets offended
I was mad (and still am) that we have no Chrono Cross, but let's not go nuts here.
there is always ebay?
Not if I own a PAL PS2...
fair enough. My internet conection was shot down due to router problems:(
What does XD mean?
anybody know?
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