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Hikki back for Kingdom Hearts 2

  • Published at 09:10:35 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,695 times
  • Karma:  13 
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Utada Hikaru will be back for the theme song of Kingdom Hearts II, which will be titled "Passion", Square Enix has revealed. Uh. That's about it. As this week is the week of Square Enix Party 2005, expect more soon.

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Thanks, now I want the game oh so much more. She's a living champion. Let's see America's alternatives such as Brittany write their own quality music and do it in two languages fluently.
Stop, stop. You had me at "two languages".

I assume that doesn't mean you think Brittany writes her own 'quality music'.
"Two languages" if you read in reverse.
Well I don't read in reverse, so there goes that idea.
excuze me for coming in so late but. anybody heard the passion song. not to mention, but did anybody see how hottt! she is.
uh, excuse me for that last post. I think my idiot brother got a hold on my account and posted. Damn.
But really, you want to know what's fucked ^, utada hikaru's name is even in the credits. what kinda shit is that. A talented singer such as herself should be introduced anywhere and anyway she can. Not to mention to everyone that she was born right here in New York City. Damn I'm pissed about this. And another thing, Tosiba-emi needs to step it up a bit, because if she leaves them, another record company won't have any trouble grabbing her. But Really, I sincerely hope that Utada tries to release another English Album.

*Damn thats long, sorry*
look, besides me posting to myself all the time, I want to throw this in. Utada Hikaru sings the theme song to the Japanese movie Casshen. The name of the song is Dareka no negai ga kanau koro (sometimes that is a little hard to say) ,but the song is awesome and how they combine the movie with the song is god like. Now finnally, Hikki(utada hikaru's nickname)can get the recognition that she deserves over here in America.
You do realise there are forums you can actually POST IN?
yes, Quale, i do realise that.
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