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Seiken Densetsu 4 details revealed

  • Published at 20:59:39 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 20,908 times
  • Karma:  -16 
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The newest issue of Japanese Shonen JUMP confirms that Kouichi Ishii's Seiken Densetsu 4 will indeed release as an action adventure on the Playstation 2 and that Nao Ikeda (of Legend of Mana and soon-to-be Children of Mana fame) is in charge of character designs. Thus far characters revealed include "Eldi", the sixteen year-old protagonist and village infant find; "Lichia", a priestess in tune with nature and Eldi's childhood friend; and her pet "Puck", who has joined on separation from his family. Their adventure begins with an invasion from a foreign army that will doubtless spiral into an epic tale when Seiken Densetsu 4 releases sometime next year.

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looks like it can compete with zelda
Wait...I thought Legend of Mana was known as Seiken Densetsu 4 in Japan?
compete with zelda? I imagine that there isn't an adventure title on the planet, developed by any studio, pound-for-pound, that could possibly compete with zelda in the end.
zelda it so overated!! omfg save the princess.. again!!!
I'll overrate you in a minute. You poor Zelda deprived individual. Nothing wrong with saving the princess.
You must get the pieces of the Tri-force and the Master Sword...again and again and again...
Let's stop kidding ourselves for a minute here. It's not as if Seiken Densetsu IV, with its infinitely small budget in comparison to Nintendo's upcoming heavyhitter Twilight Princess, is even remotely going to produce anything substantially important. It will be a solid adventure game. You will play a hero who is cast out from his homeland and sent to find the Sword of Mana, save the Mana Tree by collecting seeds that come with assorted magical elements, meet strange beings and people, and ride a magical dragon. All to stop the evil empire from upsetting the ecological balance of the world with his evil deeds.

And the whole reason Zelda and Mana remain appealing is because they don't joke around with themselves and try to be something they're not. They're the boy who goes on an adventure and saves the world stories that play great. That's all they'll ever be.
im done with zelda .. it all feels the same.. the mana series has more playable characters and is sometimes even mulitiplayer.
who could have thought that here on square haven would we find the one person to tag zelda as overrated. perhaps the most outlandish, vulgar statement in all gamedom.
it's depressing. it almost makes me want to shut down the site. all because of nataru. :(
its nice to know im loved....
who said anything about love? we all know that rahul & myself are incapable of that emotion.
but isent rahul depressed?
yes. i am depressed. and depression is not the same as love.
is sarcasm a emotion?
no. (haha!)
awww.. i is stupid >.
Pull yourselves together people.
OMG isn't any RPG about defeating the omnipotent bad guy invariably looming behind the scenes!?
come again!
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