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Advent Children date, voice actors revealed for North American release

  • Published at 20:34:34 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,849 times
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After a bitter age of civil strife and earth-shattering war, Sony has finally made an announcement finalizing the arrival date of Advent Children to American shores. Will it be everything you've dreamed? The answer may shock you!
April 25, 2006. Ingrain it into your memories. Engrave it into your skulls. It is the day that the English-speaking will welcome Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children into its waiting arms and revel in its joyous (and now legitimate) goodness.

Touting a PG-13 rating, the film will see both a DVD and UMD release, with a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $26.95 and $28.95, respectively. To soften the blow, the film will include special features such as deleted scenes, a story digest, footage of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children filmed at the Venice Film Festival, and a featurette entitled "The Making of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children".

Additionally, Advent Children's English voice cast has been announced, as is as follows:

  • Cloud Strife: Steve Burton
  • Tifa Lockhart: Rachael Leigh Cook
  • Kadaj: Steve Staley
  • Rufus Shinra: Wally Wingert
  • Reno: Quinton Flynn
  • Rude: Crispin Freeman
  • Yazoo: Dave Wittenberg
  • Loz: Fred Tatasciore
  • Vincent Valentine: Steve Blum
  • Barett Wallace: Beau Billingslea
  • Cid Highwind: Chris Edgerly
  • Yuffie Kisaragi: Christy Romano
  • Cait Sith: Gregg Ellis
  • Red XIII: Liam O'Brien
  • Reeve: Jamieson Price
  • Tseng: Ryun Yu
  • Elena: Bettina Bush
  • Marlene: Wallace Grace Rolek
  • Denzel: Benjamin Bryan
  • Girl: Andrea Bowen
  • Zack: Rick Gomez
  • Aerith Gainsborough: Mena Suvari
  • Sephiroth: George Newbern

Little is surprising in the list; Rachael Leigh Cook and Mena Suvari both reprise the roles they are to acquire in acting Kingdom Hearts II, while English dubbing regulars such as Steve Blum, Beau Billingslea, and Crispin Freeman appear yet again for lack of voice talent in the US.

Thus Advent Children will finally come at last, but two months will yet show whether Square Enix has made a prudent decision in localizing its theatrical enterprise, or whether the chance for profit was lost months ago.

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Forums / News / Advent Children date, voice actors revealed for North American release

Where the hell has Jessica Alba gone? Meh, Rachael Leigh Cook is still hot.
Yay Quinton Flynn. If it turns out that EzyDVD is wrong and the Japanese dub doesn't make it onto the DVD I will be an angry man.
If the japanese dub with subtitles doesn't make it in there, I will kill everyone. I've got a gun and I am crazy.
It's on there. Well, atleast according to amazon's summary of the movie.
It's on there. Well, atleast according to amazon's summary of the movie.
Amazing, 6 hours apart, yet exactly the same words.
I just thought I'd point out the strange irony of being appeased by the fact that a voice actress is hot.
Ohh, if it's a punch-on you want, you just got one
Steve burton is the same person who done cloulds voice in kindom hearts i think well thats what a friend told me.
Yeah, fortunately they got rid of Lance Bass and Mandy Moore from KH.
To bad. oh well ive seen ff7 advent children and its brilliant, but that was the japanese version, i can't wait to see the english one.
By the way nephtis, why are you a vip?
It's because he is Matt's bitch
Who said Jessica Alba was gonna voice tifa? LIES !
I dont know?
I'm the album database slave remember?
Nephtis should just be staff, but everytime I promote him some invisible monkey turns it back, so whatever.

And any of you bozos who actually believed Alba was set for Tifa should go watch some more OC.
OC sucks ass.
I dont know, the oc isn't that bad.
Although nothing interesting ever really happens here.
Johnny got run over ( im hoping your talking about the tv show, if your woundering im not a reality person my own little worlds more intresting.)
I find bitching about VOICE ACTORS retarded and vapid
bah, that was me

(and why arent I a vip here?)
Good question. Don't look at me.
Or me.
I should be a vip too!
uh................................................................uh...........because I said so. I mean, isn't that enough.
ok, lay it on me. What does it take to be a VIP, hell what does it take to be part of the admin. I GOT TO GET IN MAN!!!!!!!!
Razor blade + Wrist
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