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IGN not weeping for Dirge of Cerberus

  • Published at 12:23:17 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 21,010 times
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Gaming website recently received a domesticated preview copy of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and found that Square Enix has decided to make improvements to the title for its August U.S. launch. Will these be enough to drag the game out of its insessant poor reviews? Are we all out another coaster? The results may (slightly) shock you!

Dirge of Cerberus has had some very poor luck. Though it has sold considerably well in Japan since its January 24 release, the game received poor critical reviews and was plagued by myriad camera, control, and pacing issues. It seems that the mere mention of Final Fantasy VII is enough to garner sales, as a very frustrated Duckroll can attest to. And yet, in some twisted ploy to strive for genuine quality, Square Enix has taken these criticisms to heart and set forth attempting to fix some of the problems apparent in the Japanese version of Dirge of Cerberus.

To prevent action from proceeding sluggishly, walking, running, and firing speeds have been increased in combination with lower weapon weights. Vincent has also acquired extended melee attack range, a double-jump move to avoid heavy fire, and a quick dash to replace his roll.

Among resolutions to balance problems, the Limit Breaker has decreased in selling price (from 3000 to 850 Gil) and Vincent's Limit Stock has been lowered from 5 to 3, making it more practical to make use of Vincent's transformations, which have been powered up for the occasion. The Galian Beast, for instance, has received an extended transformation time, a greater attack range, and shield-piercing fireballs.

Difficulty has also been adjusted, omitting the easiest difficulty in favor of a new "extra hard" mode unlockable by finishing the game, where players can shoot through 40 new sub-missions home to new items and weapons.

Finally, the U.S. version will include bonus artwork, character model galleries, and a jukebox to placate a violent U.S. audience. Even so, this is hardly a replacement for the multiplayer mode available in the Japanese version of Dirge of Cerberus, but considering how quickly those Japanese multiplayer servers have been terminated, perhaps the extra DVD space may be the greater luxury.

Dirge of Cerberus releases in the U.S. on August 15, for better or for worse.

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Forums / News / IGN not weeping for Dirge of Cerberus

At least by the time it comes over here I can read plenty of western reviews...
I dunno... Square has "fixed" broken games for North America in the past, only to arrive still broken.
That game was a joke. Surely Dirge can do better...
Yeah, final IGN review scored 7.0.

So much for that.
its still skatopia 12 but a new account sorry forgot my password and fortunately i have dirge of cerberus bootleg version because i modified my ps2 to get bootleg games and i just told my cousin to rent it and make me a copy and im planning to get ff12 without spending almost 50 dollars
Arr... there be pirates about! Batten down the hatches!
got that right and i also but unfortunately i cant do it for the ds games and gameboy so i cant get ff3 and ff4 damn
Eh, too bad, so sad!! But pparently your not sailing alone maty!!

But getting back to the point, I personally agree with this post a bit, cus I tought it weird.

Plus, I suck at FPS (not counting Halo)
i on the other hand am way good in fps so i think dirge of cerberus is a bit too easy a little challenging yes but easy
ZOMG, Ch3ck 0u7 m1 UB3R 1337 FPS sk1llz!!!11 BOOM HEADSHOT!!!11

And isn't Dirge of Gayberus (see what I did there? Damn I'm witty) a third person shooter?
ahh come on that can be done by anyone i can own that game as well your not the only one wit MAD SKILLZ MODAFUCKA!!!
No it's a "Gun Action RPG".
Well, maybe it is, but I suck even more know....

Somebody!! Tell me how to win this thing!!

And yes, it is a third person shooter...
Oh, might I want to add...

You cant burn Ds games Swap 12...

well if i could id rub ff3 in your face if i ever met you lance bass faggot
If you could burn it, but you cant...

I also heard people who call others homo for no reason are gay themselves.... (if you wanted to call me a Lance Bass faggot, youd do it on the other article..)

Well, whats your sexuality, Swap 12?

Gay or straight?
Uh hu...
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