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Entertainment for All Expo flung to the masses

  • Published at 16:14:25 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
  • Read 21,733 times
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IDG, the company responsible for GamePro Magazine, will be hosting an E3 event for the common man. At least, so long as the common man is willing to foot the $100 entrance fee. The Entertainment for All Expo will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center, the locus of the old Electronic Entertainment Expo, thereby capturing all the hype and mania of the famed convention, without the strategic announcements and free tote bags. The first-ever not-quite-free-for-all E for All will take place October 18-20, 2007.
E for All

In league with its nod to democratic values, the name of the Entertainment for All Expo was chosen among entries submitted by a reader poll. "E for All" was thought up by Dante Padre of California and was one of more than 3000 submitted entries. Executive vice president of IDG, Mary Dolaher, has this to say for the new event: "E for All Expo will offer an unprecedented opportunity for people who share a passion for games to try before they buy, and to interact with the people who created them."

Visitors to E for All Expo with $100 spending cash will be greeted with balloon animals
Visitors to E3 without proper documentation will be greeted by rapacious, man-eating dogs

The IDG-sponsored expo will be supplemented by a live video game music concert, certainly a plus for game music fans. The program is being organized by the Entertainment Software Association, the same group that organized E3, to ensure the new convention carries a veneer of authenticity indistiguishable from the industry-insider event. Registration for the E for All Expo begins this Spring. Square Haven will not be attending because it is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and therefore our editors cannot afford the entrance fee.

E3, meanwhile, has gone through some restructuring. Now called the E3 Business and Media Summit, the show will be taking place in Santa Monica, California between July 11-13, 2007. The invitation-only corporate get-together will be comprised of closed-door meetings between retailers, developers, and game publishers. According to Douglas Lowenstein, President of the Entertainment Software Association, "The new E3 is first and foremost about getting business done... to play games, network, and socialize, to see major company offerings while also preserving the sense of discovery that is so much a part of E3." Unauthorized visitors will be shot on sight.

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