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Square rakes in dough; may make bread

  • Published at 23:50:21 PT
  • Reported by Ziyad Khesbak
  • Read 23,036 times
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Square Enix recently released their most recent fiscal results, accompanied by some rather interesting shipping figures and a new profit projection to boot. Should you care? Don't answer that! Just click on!

9.10 billion yen. In case you don't know, that's $74.72 million US Dollars and exactly the amount of consolidated net profit which Square Enix posted for the previous three fiscal quarters (a period spanning from April through December). This all came after sales of 123.04 billion yen ($1.01 billion USD), which were only slightly lower than the entire previous year's profits. For the full fiscal year ending on March 31st, Square Enix now projects a net profit of 11 billion yen ($90.33 million USD) on sales of 160 billion yen ($1.31 billion USD). All of these figures speak to the health and growth of the company, but let's have a look at the numbers which aided Square Enix in achieving their ludicrous amounts of money.

Out of a whopping 13.11 million copies of software sold worldwide, 5.64 million were in Japan, 5.52 million shipped to the US, 1.89 million left for Europe, and 60,000 found their way to the Asia Pacific region. Important releases between April 1 and December 31 included Final Fantasy XII (with 1.66 million copies sold in North America), Kingdom Hearts II (690,000 sold in Europe), Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (450,000 copies in the US; 250,000 in Europe), Dragon Quest VIII (450,000 copies in Europe), Final Fantasy III (950,000 copies in Japan; 340,000 copies in North America) and Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (910,000 copies sold in Japan).

Square Enix and Buena Vista Games have announced that the Kingdom Hearts series has sold over 10 million copies, with more than 5.4 million units shipped to North America alone. The original Kingdom Hearts was responsible for a cool 5.6 million of the total bulk while Kingdom Hearts II contributed more than 3.5 million shipped copies since its release this past year. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, pathetic a thing as it was, still clocked in with an impressive 1.5 million copies.

Series producer Shinji Hashimoto has this to say: "When we first started developing Kingdom Hearts, we never imagined we would pass the 10 million mark so quickly. We are delighted and extremely grateful for the support from our fans around the globe. We hope to continue to provide games which fulfill your anticipation in the future."

Anticipations will be fulfilled, but appetites certainly won’t be with wallets emptying for Kingdom Hearts all over the globe. So here’s to Kingdom Hearts going platinum….ten times. Deca Platinum, maybe? What is that, Titanium--Adamantium?

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