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Dissidia Final Fantasy desiderata

  • Published at 01:08:11 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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Square is commemorating 20 years of franchise fandom with the RPG brawler Dissidia Final Fantasy for the Playstation Portable. Ten playable characters from the series history have been rendered in 3D, along with their nemeses and memorable in-game locations. Square Enix posted the first video of the game today, revealing a previously unannounced popular villain will be entering the fray.

Kingdom Hearts set the precedent for throwing disparate Final Fantasy heroes together to battle injustice in a topsy-turvy alternate universe. Dissidia Final Fantasy promises to take Square Enix nostalgia to the next level, by showcasing one-on-one bouts between popular characters from all corners of the twenty year-old series. Famitsu tells that Yousuke Shiokawa, responsible for programming on Kingdom Hearts II's boss battles, is directing. Tetsuya Nomura is designing (and re-redesigning) the characters, while music is being composed by Crisis Core's Takeharu Ishimoto.

Dissidia Famitsu scans

More recently, some story details have emerged by way of the Hi! Playstation online pdf magazine. The drama of Dissidia revolves around the rivalry between Cosmos, goddess of life, and Chaos, fiend of disorder. Ten warriors are summoned by the goddess of Fabula Nova Crystallis to do battle in the game's otherworldly universe. The characters revealed so far are Zidane and Kuja of Final Fantasy IX, and The Warrior of Light and Garland of Final Fantasy. Zidane will be able to go into trance mode during battles. Meanwhile, The Warrior of Light's special attack will have him undergo a class change. Players can build up their "Brave meter" by destroying objects on the terrain, such as pillars or blocks, which will enable their special attacks. The action will transition between close combat and long-range projectiles, depending on the distance from the adversary. Action will include jumping and parrying, and playable characters will level up between battles, acquiring new abilities in traditional role-playing game fashion. The title will mark the first brawl-playing game attempt by Square since Ehrgeiz and Tobal 2 for the Playstation.

Hi! Playstation images

Just today, the game's first trailer went live on Square Enix's official website. Premiering at May's Party event in Makuhari, the video highlights some battle sequences between four of the final twenty characters. Rumors have been circulating regarding which other Final Fantasy personalities will receive a PSP make-over when the game is released in 2008. The following video unveils one new, familiar baddie--who needs no introduction. More information should be made known as development on the title progresses.

Square Enix Party trailer

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that looks pretty sick. Hope it'll be a good game. =)
I, too, hope it'll be a good game. I love fighting games & I love Final Fantasy so I hope the two will be good together. You couldn't tell much with the trailer.
Hmm it seems they tried with Ehrgeiz.. it wasn't that bad but eh.. the RPG in it really sucked. It was a good concept though, I'm interested.
Too bad Sabin isn't in this. I would of loved to seen him stomp Sephiroth's ass into the ground.
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