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Forums / Nobody cares about society and/or culture!

Retail always leaves you tired and bitter, probably due to stupid people. It seems people's most stupid and arrogant moments are spent at the service desk of a supermarket DEMANDING their 5 cents back. Good thing I don't work there anymore.
Nephtis said:
It seems people's most stupid and arrogant moments are spent at the service desk of a supermarket DEMANDING their 5 cents back.

My buddy had to deal with a person with that exact same problem. except they expected to get thier change that they said they were not given from a reciept that was three weeks old, and kept asking for different amounts that the reciept even said. Security eventually had to take him out.
So far, the most annoying thing I've had happen is having some woman imply condescendingly that I was stupid because I was a girl and yet didn't know what a 'mock neck' shirt looked like. The only thing I could think at the time was about how my hands could make her neck a mockery. But you know what? Those are also the best moments in Target - when you get to secretly plan their demise while still giving them a sappy grin.
Viajera said:
But you know what?  Those are also the best moments in Target - when you get to secretly plan their demise while still giving them a sappy grin.

Stalin said the same thing....
Yes, but Stalin wasn't smart enough to let his fingers produce natural weapons in self-defense to slit open eyes. Though, I would also probably dance when done.
Yeah, Stalin had two left feet his briefcase.
You do realise that eyes are generally open by default and don't need slitting open? That's why there are such things as eyelids. They already slits. I'd say it's convenient -- I enjoy sight. It's pretty cool.
I think she was actually refering to slashing the eyeballs themselves open... letting all the 'eye goo' out...


Just thinking about it.... bleh... :o
*in tune to the look-out-stomach prayer*

Past the cornea, through the retina, look out optics, here I come!
gotta agree with rahul on this one. polls are in, seeing is good, but not being able to see is a close second, followed by not being dead, and being dead.
Why, Dortz, I'm shocked and appalled that you would even think I would have anything to do with anyone's death......

I would only have to do with the detailing of it. -_-
what? and that ad in the paper? '5k a head, no women, no children'? what was that about?

i'm not accusing you of anything, i'm just sayin that it would be nice to get rid of a few problems... ya know?
Only if I'm aloud to plead the fifth... take that as you will...

(if you listen closely, you may hear muffled cackling)
Muff cackling! Hot!
Penis trimming! Cool!
I think I missed something. Who deleted the post inbetween mine and Viajera's?
*cackling ensues*
bah. i'll do it myself.
I suppose my pleading the fifth was taken wrong. At least there's no more screaming coming from my box. *sigh* :)
*sigh* yeah, those were the good ol' days...
If we play it right, we just might find an island where the culture says it's alright to kill people like Britney Spears, if they 'just so happen' on their territory.

I'm Oprah, let me in!
I find it curious that you try to adhere to the "too alternative and out-there to keep up with daily news" anti-stereotype, yet you know about irrelevant events like that of Oprah, but not of Live 8 or London bombings.

You depress me, American girl.
i know and care only one thing about the london bombings:

initial reports from news stations only, said that 5 bombs exploded on the underground. and they never mentioned the bus. but, only 4 exploded on the subway, and the didn't find the 5th til later.

but that's enough of my conspiracy theorism for now.
Who did it and why? Or does it all boil down to 'terrorists, and just because?'

I don't try to be alternative and out there. I'm just driving myself ragged and don't really have time for the TV viewing. And if I did, I could care less about the news. The last news segment I saw on the TV was from our local news doing a piece on a protective fish that lived in a four-foot-wide puddle in someone's back yard. Otherwise - I work at Target; when no one's irritated enough to complain about being understaffed or just plain busy, they talk about trivial stuff they find funny. What I've caught so far entails how an attacking deer on a close-by campus is now a celebrity for its gall, and how some up-scale store wouldn't let Oprah in while they were closed. And that she banged on the door saying "I'm Oprah!" but they thought she was a hobo because she was wearing purple.

I was confused about the purple hobo part. :huh:
hmm... purple hobo...
Exactly; I was lost. Because of the hearing thing, though, it's easier to live in a state of confusion if the person's body language isn't conveying urgency. Otherwise, people get pissed to hear me say 'what?' so much.
you should just get one of those ear horns. it'd be cool. so the next time you say 'what?' you can whip out a giant horn and stick it in thier face.
I'll be one of those old fogies who walk around on a cane with a phonograph in their pocket. What old person shouldn't come with a phonogrpah included, anyway?
mine didn't, but it DID come with karate-chop action!
And if it gathers enough strength, it might be felt by a kitten in the passing wind!
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