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Buying a PSP was the worst thing that ever happened to me! Not only did I purchase a useless device that only has menial software made for it, but now I have to live with having the inferior version that can't even do the cool stuff the shiny new PSPs can do. Fuck you, Sony! You ruined my life! At least I never regret buying anything From Nintendo.
Except Mario Kart DS... Realizing I wasn't the best Mario Kart player in the world was traumatizing to my gaming psyche. |
vip |
How many different versions of the DS and GBA do you own? |
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I won't dignify the question with an answer! At any rate, at least buying updated GBAs and DSs were worthwhile since their sole purpose - to play fucking videogames - was brought to fruition; They at least had really good games for them instead of having the best draw be peripherals. |
vip |
Name the games you are currently playing on the DS so that I may mock them!!! Brain Age? Cooking Mama? Disney's Kim Possible: Global Gemini?!
With the new firmware update and a PS3 (the peripheral part does not escape me)you can also play all of your old PS1 games on your PSP. Is it worth $400 to play Vagrant Story on the go?... YES, DAMMIT!! |
Some of the earliest versions of the PSP could be hacked to play roms on emulators off of memory chips. As soon as sony fixed this "problem" the PSP no longer became a good investment. |
vip |
A 3.71 M33 firmware with a kernel patch will allow you to play homebrewed games on the PSP. I've used almost every PS1 emulator ever made and they're never perfect. Nor do they play all of the games out there. There are always problems with the sound, gameplay, or visuals. And as far as "investments" go (what a laughable concept for a device that's been out for 4 years) there's a wealth of games out there now for the PSP and the introduction of Skype is just one of many icings on that cake (TV hook-up, web browsing, and GPS coming in '08). |
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dean said:
Name the games you are currently playing on the DS so that I may mock them!!!
You are challenged to mock Tetris DS! I'm also playing Front Mission and will start Revenant Wings soon. Also, let's look at the future lineup: Advance Fucking Wars!!! I need not continue but I will: Professor Layton, Dragon Quest IX, ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat, Mushroom Men, and Final Fantasy Tactics A2. No other gaming system has as good of a 2008 lineup.
Nels said:
Some of the earliest versions of the PSP could be hacked to play roms on emulators off of memory chips. As soon as sony fixed this "problem" the PSP no longer became a good investment.
Agreed. I remember playing Burgertime and Rampage for hours. Unfortunately I couldn't get the SNES emulator to work... Chrono Trigger and Earthbound on the go would have made PSP the best system.
dean said:
there's a wealth of games out there now for the PSP
There aren't any true gems that I've found, save for War of the Lions, nor does the aggregate of this "wealth" make the system actually viable! I won't lie; War of the Lions is one of the better gaming experiences I've had, but that's about all I can say for it.
At any rate, my personal experience with my PSP has been dismal, the situation isn't improving, and nothing anyone says (or anything Sony will do) will change this. |
vip |
You want Chrono Trigger? Final Fantasy Chronicles on PS1! Emulate it or play it over the PS3!
There are a lot of great games, but it's not for everyone (Monster Hunter, Burnout, Castlevania, Disgaea, Jeanne d'Arc, Loco Roco, Katamari Damacy, SSX, Silent Hill: Origins, Wipeout Pure, Syphon Filter, Metal Gear Portable OPs, plenty of fighting games, and a fair share of RPG and strategy titles). And once Crisis Core drops, you'll have a million FFVII fans squealing with glee.
I have to admit, I don't own a DS but I've never seen a game on the system that peaked my interest with the exception of Revenant Wings, and that went away after I saw the discussion about it here. Tactics A2 looks just like the first one, which I only played for a few stages before throwing it away in disgust. In fact, playing FFTA in comparison to FFT sums up what I think about DS gaming - it's a watered down version of a great game marketed to children as the key demographic. |
vip |
It seems my situation is the exact opposite of yours, Matt... I'm regretting my DS, having found nothing to really hold my attention. I'm still holding out for Dragon Quest IX and Ninja Gaiden DS, and debating whether or not to get Dementium. Games like Revenant Wings have been nothing but insults, however. I'm not expecting FFTA2 to be anything but, either. |
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dean said:
I don't own a DS but I've never seen a game on the system that peaked my interest.
It's "piqued", not "peaked".
I've already seen all the anime on the internets. Why would I buy FF Chronicles for Chrono Trigger when I already own it for SNES?
Also, why would I buy a PS3, period??? |
vip |
I did not know that. Thank you for the grammatical error pointing-out-of.
Yeah a PS3, or really any next gen console, isn't really worth it right now but the functionality with the PSP definitely has me interested in the future possibilities. Almost enough to smack down some moneys to play around with it.
I don't really understand your rationale between owning CT on a stationary SNES and being opposed to re-buying it so that you can play it on a portable PSP. Unless you're talking about running an SNES emulator on the PSP.
If you do still have CT on the SNES, does the battery that allows you to save games in the cartridge still work? |
My copy of CT still allows me to save. I am now scared it won't sometime soon. Thanks Dean >:( |
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Yeah, how long are they supposed to last for? I'm on level 99! |
vip |
I remember renting some RPG titles a year or so after they came out and the battery would already be dead which sucked. So I guess that if you are saving a lot of games frequently then it runs out quicker? |
I have everyone about level 80. I am impressed by your level ** party. I got tired of leveling and haven't picked it up in a little over a year now. Since I am at the point where there is no challenge left in any portion of the game and even a story as fantastic as CT's can get tiring after beating the game like 100 times. |
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Fair enough, though I can't say I share your jadedness. It was one of my first RPGs and I've been playing it since 1996.
It's such a great game to come back to... Whenever i hear the *squak* *squak*, *swooosh*, *pow* *pow* *pow-pow* *pow*, *ding* *ding* *ding*, my heart just melts. |
Yeah, I am the kind of guy that can't watch even his most favorite of movies more often than twice a year. |
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dean said:
Yeah a PS3, or really any next gen console, isn't really worth it right now...
The Wii is definitely worth it -- Wii Sports, Metroid, Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy... Smash Bros will make Wii a monolith of godliness. |
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Hey, let's not forget that the DS has a homebrew scene as well. While I doubt there's potential for Playstation emulation, I've heard the SNES isn't out of the question (alas, I can't prove it since I haven't tried). Also, there's some untapped potential beyond classic games!
Also, DS owners should look into the Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney games if you haven't already. You'll never question your purchase again. |
vip |
Hey Matt did you get Jeanne D'Arc?
That game is tits, youd like it.
I think |
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No, that one slipped my radar. I'll check it out. |
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Ok, looks good, I'll get it.
But if it sucks I'm personally coming down to Mormontown to punch you in the nads. |
vip |
It sucks not! Level5 seems to be shaping into a rather noteworthy company, it seems. |
vip |
Hey you can come and punch Mormonnads anytime, Ill watch :)
The graphics will make you wish the Tactics remake looked anything like this game. |
Also, why would I buy a PS3, period???
 Last edited by Squarez_2090 on January 27, 2008 |
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No, that's not working for me. |