vip |
I am excited for ff12. You?:P |
vip |
Man, you managed to sound so UN-Bob with that sentence. Good job
But yeah, totally excited for it. Pre-ordered the special edition, bought a Vaan blow up doll, changed sex, shaved my ass and fucked your mom. ALL BECAUSE OF FINAL FANTASY XII.
Fo' realz, havent looked forward to a game more since FF X |
staff |
More excited than I am about FFXIII.
Which isn't saying much, really. |
ffxii makes me want to say w00t and i dont even know what that means |
vip |
Ziyad said:
More excited than I am about FFXIII.
Which isn't saying much, really.
Yeah I guess having an amazing soundtrack, scoring perfect reviews, being directed by Matsuno, badass graphics, a new fighting system and incredible overall polish (as reported) is nothing to be excited about.
Oh yeah, and dont forget that this is the first FF in over a decade that wasnt chummed out with a small ass development time (although I dont know if people outside the industry really appreciate that, I could tell some horror stories if I wasnt bind to the fucking EA NDA)
fag |
staff |
You've obviously misinterpreted my comment.
In truth, I'm fucking excited about FFXII.
What I meant to say is that FFXIII looks completely lame and I'm upset that Square Enix killed the buzz for XII by releasing trailers galore for Fabula Nova Crystallis. It was completely ridiculous and FFXII is going to rock for the reasons you stated. |
vip |
I was just starting some good ole' SHMFoD drama. Its been a while
Isnt it too early to form any sort of opinion on XIII? If your game comes out before the system dies, then its never gonna get much pressconsumer attention, no matter how awesome it is (see: Kirbys Adventure, Yoshis Island, FF IX, Vagrant Story, Okami)
Also, dont forget why did Square have to show all the XIII media? Sony. I can almost guarantee you that Sony was pressuring them as hard a spossible to show all that media because if not, then who the balls is gonna care about the PS3?
EDIT: thats the worst filter ever Last edited by Xavi on September 11, 2006 |
vip |
Faulk. That does suck.
P.S. That's not how to start some old-school SHMFoD drama. See the new Rumble o' da Week; that's how you start some drama.
P.P.S. On that last post-script, I must say Val Kilmer/Valkerie Pun was like, Sudoku of Nerd awesomeness. Congrats. I hope you get paid enough to think up shite like that. Last edited by Bob on September 11, 2006 |
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Sadly, Bob, I can't take the credit for this particular one. Credit goes to Jeriaska....who appears to have just recently registered here.
Let's watch. |
vip |
Bob said:
Faulk. That does suck.
P.S. That's not how to start some old-school SHMFoD drama. See the new Rumble o' da Week; that's how you start some drama.
P.P.S. On that last post-script, I must say Val Kilmer/Valkerie Pun was like, Sudoku of Nerd awesomeness. Congrats. I hope you get paid enough to think up shite like that.
WTF Quale? Getting raped by the big black scary man lately? I guess no rumble ever again is better than Ziyad trying? Fuck you, its only videogames, videogames on the internet, mind you |
vip |
I concur. Ahhhh, but chuknow, some people just never learn to ease up on their arrogance till they get punched in the face. Or curb-stomped. Or have cigs put out in the white parts of their eyes. He'll learn or get knocked down a few pegs. |
The Raging Spaniard said:
WTF Quale? Getting raped by the big black scary man lately? I guess no rumble ever again is better than Ziyad trying? Fuck you, its only videogames, videogames on the internet, mind you
Do all your insults have to stem from sex or is that all your puerile mind can think of?
And yes, it is only videogames, videogames on the internet, yet you do seem to be taking it rather seriously. Why's that? |
vip |
yeah I'm excited for it too... I pre ordered the special edition as well even though I have no idea what is on the special edition that makes it so special.
yeah its been a long wait, I remember they announced this game around the same time they announced X-2 (close to it I believe) so that was about three years ago? or is my math totally wrong? |
vip |
Quale said:
The Raging Spaniard said:
WTF Quale? Getting raped by the big black scary man lately? I guess no rumble ever again is better than Ziyad trying? Fuck you, its only videogames, videogames on the internet, mind you
Do all your insults have to stem from sex or is that all your puerile mind can think of?
And yes, it is only videogames, videogames on the internet, yet you do seem to be taking it rather seriously. Why's that?
Nono, you misinterpret, youre the one who started acting as if your cock was bleeding. Go out and kiss a girl, you might feel better |
Personally, I thought my black comment was delightfully witty placed in that situation. |
vip |
Yeah. I think yer math must be right. Everyday I get more and more excited. Walk into work, and am always like OH MY GAWD I JUST SAW A NEW PIC ABOUT IT. HAWT. *luckily, everyone I work with is a nerd, or tolerant*
Quale: NOT funny. NOT witty. I asked my friend Jason how he felt 'bout that. He told me he would of gone Black Panther on yer ass. |
I deeply and utterly apologize to all blacks I have offended. It has always been my wish that Asians and Blacks work together to overcom... I mean... breed out... I mean... reach an understanding with the white population. |
vip |
Which Is Faulkin' Awesome. *final Fantasy Fanboy-'splosion* |
vip |
Well in that case Im just hoping the last 20 hours of the game arent like the last two episodes of Evangelion then ;) |
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I'm sure the script was well taken care of long before he lost it. |
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End of Evangelion was a galactic masterwork. How many of us can say we've managed to parley a total psychotic collapse into an epic anime mindfuck? Hideaki Anno, I solute you! Last edited by jeriaska on September 25, 2006 |
vip |
I like the new Killers album, also, I need to buy groceries since I'm munching on cereal ... cause thats all I got |
Or negative 25 days if you are a pirate. |
vip |
final fantasy twelve in around a day(not counting sleep-time)
Halloween in LESS THAN 24 hours! WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!
everyday is halloween because I carry around an ironic retro-vintage tin-luch pail.
mr.t pitys the foo'. |
vip |
fuck I need to some how come up with the money to get this game. |
I guess everyone forgot Children of Mana...
Hello winter rush! Goodbye cash! Last edited by Quale on October 29, 2006 |
vip |
Yeah ill discuss a game that has nothing to do with the topic, yyyep
If you look forward to the game so much, make a topic about it :) |
vip |
Like me, see I made a topic 'bout FF12 because I can't wait for it to come out! You could do one, in this forum as well; as it is a Square-Enix game and this is a Square-Enix gaming forum! :D |
vip |
Bob said:
Like me, see I made a topic 'bout FF12 because I can't wait for it to come out! You could do one, in this forum as well; as it is a Square-Enix game and this is a Square-Enix gaming forum! :D
vip |
Oh yeah, shit. Oh, okay then I'll post what I meant in SHMFoD-speak.
"Die in a busfire." Last edited by Bob on October 30, 2006 |