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Final Fantasy IX

Traditional RPG
Final Fantasy
  • 14 November, 2000
  • 7 July, 2000
  • 16 February, 2001
A- 190 total ratings
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Final Fantasy IX Characters

Overview | Zidane | Vivi | Garnet | Steiner | Freya | Quina | Eiko | Amarant

Zidane Tribal
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Zidane, a confident thief and self-styled ladies' man, plys either trade with equal gusto; his ability earned him a place in the family of Tantalus. At times the well-traveled, capricious Zidane is playful and glib, yet his no-nonsense attitude--as well as an unflagging devotion to his friends and their well-being--indciates a maturity atypical of a mere teenager. With no recollection of his past, Zidane lives only for the present, the day-to-day. But the truth of his origin, lingering portentously in the background, threatens to catch up to him.

Steal command
Zidane can pilfer a single item from an enemy. Enemies in FFIX often carry more than one item, so Zidane can use the "Detect" command in the "Skill" set to see all the items an enemy has. However, items listed last tend to be difficult to steal.

Skill command set
Befitting a bandit, Zidane's skills serve all sorts of useful functions in battle.

Trance mode
When Zidane enters Trance mode, his "Skill" command is replaced by "Dyne." The Dyne command set consists solely of abilities that inflict massive physical damage to enemies. Each ability is stronger than the one preceding it, and the order of Dyne abilities corresponds directly to the order Skill abilities. (In other words, when Zidane learns "Flee," he also learns "Free Energy," and so on.)
spacer Zidane
You don't need a reason to help people.
Lvl HP MP Stones Spd Str Mag Spr
1 105 36 18 23 21 18 23
10 465 56 23 24 24 21 24
20 971 85 28 25 28 25 26
30 1711 124 34 26 32 29 27
40 2708 176 40 27 36 33 30
50 3412 215 45 28 40 37 31
60 3857 243 51 29 44 41 33
70 4220 271 56 30 48 45 35
80 4582 300 62 31 52 49 37
90 4945 330 67 32 56 53 38
99 5338 359 72 32 59 56 40
Action Abilities Skill
Description Equipment MP AP
Flee Escape from battle with high probability. (Also lose small amount of gil.)
icon Dagger
icon Mage Masher
icon Zorlin Shape
icon Ultima Weapon
icon Germinas Boots
N/A 40
Detect See the enemy's items.
icon Mage Masher
icon Orichalcon
N/A 40
What's That!? Allows back attack.
icon Butterfly Sword
2 40
Soul Blade Draws out the hidden power in thief swords.
icon The Ogre
6 35
Annoy Causes Trouble to the target.
icon Gladius
icon Sargatanas
4 50
Sacrifice Sacrifice yourself to restore HP and MP to the other party members.
icon Exploda
icon Masamune
32 55
Lucky Seven Deals physical damage by luck.
icon Gladius
icon Exploda
icon Rune Tooth
icon The Tower
icon Thief Hat
6 85
Thievery Deals physical damage to the target. (Damage is dependent on the number of times Zidane has successfully stolen.)
icon Angel Bless
icon The Tower
8 100
Action Abilities Dyne (Trance)
Description MP
Free Energy Deals physical damage to the enemy. 10
Tidal Flame Deals physical damage to all enemies. 12
Scoop Art Deals physical damage to the enemy. 14
Shift Break Deals physical damage to all enemies. 16
Stellar Circle Deals physical damage to the enemy. 24
Meo Twister Deals physical damage to all enemies. 32
Solution 9 Deals physical damage to the enemy. 48
Grand Lethal Deals physical damage to all enemies. 60
Support Abilities Support Abilities
Description Equipment Stones AP
Auto-Reflect Automatically casts Reflect in battle.
icon Reflect Ring
15 95
Auto-Float Automatically casts Float in battle.
icon Feather Boots
6 20
Auto-Haste Automatically casts Haste in battle.
icon Running Shoes
9 55
Auto-Regen Automatically casts Regen in battle.
icon Golden Hairpin
icon Brave Suit
10 25
Auto-Life Automatically casts Life in battle (after character is KO'ed).
icon Rebirth Ring
12 130
HP+20% Increases HP by 20%.
icon Mantra Band
icon Adaman Hat
icon Battle Boots
icon Black Belt
8 40
Accuracy+ Raises physical attack accuracy.
icon Power Wrist
icon Black Hood
icon Lapis Lazuli
2 30
Distract Lowers enemy's physical attack accuracy.
icon Judo Uniform
icon Reflect Ring
icon Diamond
5 30
Long Reach Attack power in the back row is the same as in the front row.
icon Thief Hat
icon Protect Ring
16 170
MP Attack Uses own MP to raise attack power.
icon Red Hat
icon Battle Boots
icon Power Belt
5 45
Bird Killer Deals lethal damage to flying enemies.
icon Adaman Vest
icon Yellow Scarf
3 20
Bug Killer Deals lethal damage to insects.
icon Mythril Armlet
2 35
Stone Killer Deals lethal damage to stone enemies.
icon Adaman Vest
icon Power Vest
4 30
Undead Killer Deals lethal damage to undead enemies.
icon N-Kai Armlet
icon Headgear
icon Ritual Hat
2 45
Devil Killer Deals lethal damage to demons.
icon Chain Plate
icon Demon's Vest
2 25
Beast Killer Deals lethal damage to beasts.
icon Leather Wrist
icon Egoist's Armlet
icon Flash Hat
icon Black Belt
icon Moonstone
4 30
Man Eater Deals lethal damage to humans.
icon Bandana
icon Coronet
icon Coral Ring
2 25
Master Thief Steal better items.
icon Thief Gloves
5 50
Steal Gil Steal gil along with items.
icon Glass Armlet
icon Yellow Scarf
5 40
Add Status Adds weapon's status effect (Add ST) when you attack.
icon Bone Wrist
icon Chimera Armlet
icon Bracer
icon Feather Hat
icon Twist Headband
icon Glass Buckle
3 35
Gamble Defense Raises defense occasionally.
icon Twist Headband
icon Adaman Hat
icon Power Vest
1 20
High Tide Allows you to Trance faster.
icon Jade Armlet
icon Dark Hat
icon Gaia Gear
icon Sapphire
8 35
Counter Counterattacks when physically attacked.
icon Ritual Hat
icon Power Vest
icon Power Belt
8 70
Protect Girls You take damage in place of a girl.
icon Butterfly Sword
icon Leather Shirt
4 35
Eye 4 Eye Raises Counter activation rate.
icon Flash Hat
icon Ninja Gear
5 60
Body Temp Prevents Freeze and Heat.
icon Jade Armlet
icon Madain's Ring
icon Fairy Earrings
icon Diamond
4 25
Alert Prevents back attacks.
icon Ninja Gear
icon Germinas Boots
4 40
Level Up Characters level up faster.
icon Egoist's Armlet
icon Rosetta Ring
icon Fairy Earrings
7 75
Ability Up Characters learn abilities faster.
icon Green Beret
icon Brigandine
icon Ribbon
icon Lapis Lazuli
3 95
Flee-Gil Receive gil even when running from battle.
icon Wrist
icon Desert Boots
icon Gold Choker
3 45
Insomniac Prevents Sleep.
icon Bandana
icon Gaia Gear
icon Coral Ring
5 30
Antibody Prevents Poison and Venom.
icon Glass Armlet
icon Mantra Band
icon Survival Vest
icon Glass Buckle
4 20
Bright Eyes Prevents Darkness.
icon Feather Hat
icon Ritual Hat
4 35
Restore HP Restores HP automatically when near death.
icon Brave Suit
icon Promist Ring
8 85
Jelly Prevents Petrify and Gradual Petrify.
icon Dragon Wrist
icon Dark Hat
icon Circlet
icon Bronze Vest
icon Dark Gear
4 35
Auto-Potion Automatically uses (least powerful) Potion when damaged.
icon Mythril Vest
icon Demon's Vest
icon Running Shoes
icon Gold Choker
3 30
Locomotion Prevents Stop.
icon Black Hood
icon Golden Skullcap
icon Survival Vest
icon Demon's Vest
icon Ninja Gear
4 30
Clear Headed Prevents Confusion.
icon Green Beret
icon Circlet
icon Dark Gear
icon Magician Shoes
5 25
Mug Damages enemy when you steal.
icon Thief Hat
icon Chimera Armlet
icon Survival Vest
3 65
Bandit Raises success rate of Steal.
icon Mythril Dagger
icon N-Kai Armlet
5 40
Final Fantasy IX
Weapons (Page 1)
Weapons (Page 2)
Accessories (Page 1)
Accessories (Page 2)

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