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Blue Dragon soundtrack really pretty good

  • Published at 14:14:57 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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The latest entry in Nobuo Uematsu's ouvre, the two-disc soundtrack for Blue Dragon, is now on sale in Japan. "I have a feeling that, after a long time, I finally managed to write something really good again," Uematsu modestly answered in a recent interview. Happily, the man speaks the truth.

Blue Dragon Original Soundtrack (SVWC-7428~29) by Nobuo Uematsu debuts December 13 at a suggested retail price of 3500 Yen. It can be ordered through Play Asia , Square Sound, and CD Japan.

Nobuo Uematsu interview with G Wie Gorilla

Brief video interview (avi format)

Track List courtesy of Game Music Revolution

Disc 1 - Playing Time 55:57
01 Waterside 1:54
02 Bell of Grief 2:13
03 The Earth Shark is Coming! 2:04
04 Crisis 0:43
05 Mysterious Village 1:44
06 Dragon Fight! 1:32
07 Thumb Up! 0:33
08 Everyday Tranquility 1:30
09 Mystery of the Ancient Machine 2:03
10 Challenge 1:00
11 Omen 2:48
12 In Search of the Ruins 1:57
13 Ruins 3:51
14 High Speed Flight 1:30
15 Anger and Sorrow 2:54
16 My Tears and the Sky 5:36
17 Cave 4:21
18 City Lights 1:59
19 Desolate Town 1:59
20 Advancing Ground 2:45
21 BAD BUT BAT 3:20
22 Trip! 1:27
23 Smiling Face 2:25
24 Knock It Down 1:54
25 Army of the Holy Sword 1:55

Disc 2 - Playing Time 1:10:59
01 Gibral Castle 3:12
02 Zola's Theme 1:53
03 A Bit of Fight 1:46
04 Frozen Village 2:10
05 Nene's Paradise 3:19
06 Giant Mechat 2:59
07 Advance! Drill Machine 2:01
08 Debbie, the Tribe of Dance Lovers 2:01
09 The Ancients 2:10
10 Ancient Stronghold 2:44
11 Machine Temple 2:03
12 The Road to Gibral 3:07
13 Mechabots Army Charges! 2:22
14 Land of Happiness 1:49
15 Village of Wall Paintings 2:00
16 Peaceful Waterside 2:25
17 Uneasy Night 1:50
18 Eternity 3:52
19 Mechat Takes Off! 1:28
20 Take Back the Shadow! 2:00
21 State of Emergency 2:05
22 CAVERN 2:50
23 Revival of the Ancients 2:56
24 Release the Seal 4:48
25 Happy Birthday 4:21
26 Blue Dragon Main Theme 3:18
27 Waterside ~for Piano and Orchestra~ 3:30

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