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Balthier Bunansa all over Ivalice

  • Published at 14:25:46 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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After piloting the Strahl to a perfect famitsu score in Japan and record sales in North America, Final Fantasy XII's Balthier Bunansa is broadening his horizons. He helped land the Playstation 2 title Gamespot, IGN, and Edge Magazine's awards for best game of 2006. Now he is set to debut in European territories on February 23. But will this mark the end of Balthier's adventures? Hardly. His upcoming destinations are the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.
Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XII's Balthier Bunansa, voiced by Gideon Emery, will be landing in European territories on February 23. He and Fran will be returning for the Nintendo DS sequel Revenant Wings, due out April 26 in Japan, as revealed by the Jump Festa trailer. But will that mark the end of the rebel airship pilot's adventures?

Liam McNulty at PSP-Vault reports that Japanese gaming source has confirmed a cameo appearance for the sky pirate in FF Tactics: The Lion War:

A liberated man and well-known heretic, using his abundant knowledge and abilities as an engineer, Balthier seeks the treasures of Glabados. He makes contact with Ramza, who is searching for Alma and the Zodiac stones.

Could Balthier be a distant relative of fellow machinists Mustadio and Besrodio Bunanza?

Balthier as depicted in Itadaki Street Portable

Balthier in Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, art by Akihiko Yoshida

Balthier in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

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