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Final Fantasy VI was the third Final Fantasy game released in the United States, and therefore Squaresoft released it under the name Final Fantasy III. Of course, a version of Final
Fantasy IV had been previously released in the States as Final Fantasy II, so this wasn't an unexpected move.
Final Fantasy VI is set in an industrial world, pushing the series trend in the direction of
Final Fantasy VII and
VIII -- but don't wrinkle your nose just yet! The game is Final Fantasy's last "hurrah" to the 16-bit scene, and what a hurrah it is!
By today's standards, Final Fantasy VI isn't a beautiful game in looks alone. By the standards of 1994, however, games weren't judged merely on things superficial. All games relied on their presentation and playability, and more specifically, RPGs (yes, even Final Fantasies) relied on storyline and music, to sell. And these are the departments in which Final Fantasy VI is nearly perfect.
The story revolves around unforgettable characters like Terra, Locke, and Celes in their struggle to bring peace to humans and espers. On the other side is what at first appears to be a typical evil empire out of Star Wars, but the true villain is brought out ingeniously as a single, maniacal, clown-like character named Kefka. Plot twists are recognizable and, if I remember correctly, do a good job of catching first-time players off guard.
One thing gamers often forget to notice is that for every 30 hours of gameplay, there are 30 hours of mood- setting music being played. The music in Final Fantasy VI is unmatched in that field; pieces ranging from Kefka Dancing Mad to the Opera House Theme make up the lush soundtrack that is Final Fantasy VI.
Story, music, characters, battles, party-building -- it's all there. Put it all together and you've got a terrific game. Squaresoft recently released
Final Fantasy Anthology in the United States. This tribute to their SNES games includes Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI, with added CG movie sequences capitalizing on the PlayStation's power. If you haven't played one of these games, especially Final Fantasy VI,
buy it.