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Chrono Trigger

Traditional RPG
  • September 27, 1995
  • March 11, 1995
A 150 total ratings
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Chrono Trigger Characters

Crono | Marle | Lucca | Robo | Frog | Ayla | Magus

crono spacer
spacer spacer Crono is a typical teenager whom fate chooses to save the world. He is a skilled swordsman and may come across as a strong, silent type.

Crono is the best character to use for the majority of the game. His attacks are strong and his magic power mighty. You will probably want to keep him in your party whenever possible.
1000 AD
SINGLE TECHS Description Effect MP TP
Cyclone Twirl with blade outstretched. Area E 2 5
Slash Blade swing creates swift air blast. Line (D) E 2 90
Lightning Summon a bolt from the heavens. (Lightning elemental.) Single E 2 Learned
Spincut Exaggerated motion causes approximately twice the normal damage. Single E 4 160
Lightning 2 An violent, emanating electric storm. (Lightning elemental.) All E 8 500
Life Revives ally with some HP restored. Single A 10 400
Confuse Run circles around enemy, striking four times. Single E 12 800
Luminaire Destructive dome of pure light. (Lightning elemental.) All E 20 1000
DUAL TECHS Description Effect MP
Aura Whirl Radiating aura restores a medium amount of HP. All A
Cyclone spacer 2 Aura spacer 1
Ice Sword Delivers a truly chilling blow. (Water elemental.) Single E
Spincut spacer 4 Ice spacer 2
Ice Sword 2 Stronger than Ice Sword. (Water elemental.) Area E
Confuse spacer 12 Ice 2 spacer 8
Fire Whirl Flame-charged Cyclone. (Fire elemental.) Area E
Cyclone spacer 2 Flame Toss spacer 1
Fire Sword Delivers a truly scathing blow. (Fire elemental.) Single E
Spincut spacer 4 Fire spacer 2
Fire Sword 2 Stronger than Fire Sword. (Fire elemental.) Area E
Confuse spacer 12 Fire 2 spacer 8
Rocket Roll High-frequency laser emission. (Shadow elemental.) All E
Cyclone spacer 2 Laser Spin spacer 3
Max Cyclone Frenetic whirling and slicing. Robo E
Spincut spacer 4 Laser Spin spacer 3
Super Volt Extreme electrical field. (Lightning elemental.) All E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Shock spacer 17
X Strike Simultaneous attack in x-formation. Single E
Cyclone spacer 2 Slurp Cut spacer 2
Sword Stream Crono descends within a rapid deluge. (Water elemental.) Single E
Spincut spacer 4 Water spacer 2
Spire Embedded sword channels the raw power of a tremendous bolt. (Lightning elemental.) Single E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Leap Slash spacer 4
Drill Kick Ayla spirals downward, burrowing her feet. Single E
Cyclone spacer 2 Rollo Kick spacer 2
Volt Bite Ayla reveals her shockingly feral ferocity. (Lightning elemental.) Single E
Lightning spacer 2 Cat Attack spacer 3
Falcon Hit Akin to an airborne falcon: sleek, powerful, and swift. Line (I) E
Spincut spacer 4 Rock Throw spacer 4
TRIPLE TECHS Description Effect MP
Delta Force Triangle formation unleashes the power of the three earthly elements. (Shadow elemental.) All E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Ice 2 spacer 8 Fire 2 spacer 8
Lifeline An ally who dies will be automatically revived with some HP restored. All A
Cyclone spacer 15 Life 2 spacer 15 Laser Spin spacer 3
Arc Impulse Crono, supplemented by an icy flame, and Frog strike in cross formation. (Water elemental.) Single E
Spincut spacer 4 Ice 2 spacer 8 Leap Slash spacer 4
Final Kick Ayla rushes through a rapidly whirling sphere that provides added power. (Shadow elemental.) Single E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Ice 2 spacer 8 Triple Kick spacer 20
Fire Zone Furious spinning attack radiates immense heat. (Fire elemental.) Robo E
Spincut spacer 4 Fire 2 spacer 8 Laser Spin spacer 4
Delta Storm Rotating pyramid contains the power of the three earthly elements. (Shadow elemental.) All E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Fire 2 spacer 8 Water 2 spacer 8
Gatling Kick A quasi-meteor crushes an enemy already beat senseless. (Shadow elemental.) Single E
Lightning 2 spacer 8 Fire 2 spacer 8 Triple Kick spacer 20
Triple Raid Merciless slash-and-bash attack. Single E
Cyclone spacer 2 Robo Tackle spacer 4 Slurp Cut spacer 2
Twister Reckless twirling of three gives rise to terrible twin tornadoes. (Shadow elemental.) All E
Cyclone spacer 2 Laser Spin spacer 3 Tail Spin spacer 10
3D Attack Merciless slash-and-smash attack. Single E
Cyclone spacer 2 Slurp Cut spacer 2 Triple Kick spacer 20
Chrono Trigger
Single Techs
Dual Techs
Triple Techs

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