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Matsuno comments on Final Fantasy XII

  • Published at 04:30:12 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 21,861 times
  • Karma:  85 
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You can see her underpants! :OThe Magic Box reports that Final Fantasy XII mastermind Yasumi Matsuno talked a little about his latest creation in July, at the Playstation Meeting, for god's sake, stating that it would come on two DVDs, feature "tighter controls", a less important love story, a huge "world map", resemble his 2000 opus Vagrant Story, and cause people to ask "Is this Final Fantasy?". He neglected to comment on whether or not Van has a bare ass like VS hero Ashley Riot.

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Forums / News / Matsuno comments on Final Fantasy XII

A lota' Dope! Keep smokin'! Man I'm exited.-_-
Excited. You're excited. For god's sake, learn to spell.
He's exited? Is he exiting the building?! Elvis?!?!
I R dink dis game be guud. i exited to!!! ^_^
Exited, exicted, who the fuck cares?! Either way, this shiznit looks hot!!

(Eh... is it just me or did the Magic Box website go down?)
Why pick on me when we have others on this sight who spell bad too. I'm so EXITED.(deal with it)
we make fun of everyone
Without making fun of people there would just be no way to exault our angers or maybe a pet peeve towards someone or something they do... Or even to push away insucurities about ourselves. There are to many reasons for it. Making fun of people is just to natural.
Primigenus, you should worry about yourself. Who cares if he can't spell for shit, the stupid f*ck he is. Though, I still like the little yutz. So shut the f*ck up, Primigenus, you half-witted f*ck!

See, I feel better now. =)
(jk btw)
*erm... The Magic Box... is it down or is it just me?*
Man, you people need to chill out, lest we want another bickering bitch fest to occur......except that one was funny... but anyway.

Everyone, shut up.

Yes, the game looks cool, and I look forward to it. I wonder what exactly is going to make us ask "is this Final Fantasy?"... hmm...
Bah? You should chill homie. We aren't bickering. Huh, you musta' read wrong dog. We just be chilln' all up in her'. Fa sho.
JK means just kidding... case you didn't know.
I'm not sure but I have this weird feeling that Spike just stuck up for me. Thanks alot. But now people are going to think that I'm to stupid to stand up for myself.0_o
No clue what the site menu says but check this dope out:
You may be able to recognize the characters he draws but I'm not sure.^_~ I hope I typed it in right.
Don't worry about it. Anyone (no one specific; just in general) who would judge you like that is a fuck and you should just ignore them. Anyways, you've earned my respect, so you're fine in my book.
Good site... but it's in like Spanish ...I think.
French I think. I am a fan of Amano. I found out about this site at the ansem report. (go to the KH2 area of this site for the link there)
Yeah, teh dude has a cool drawing style.
Dude, check the other artist out. Like that Kim dude. This is the sort of stuff that I'm learning how to do so I naturaly have a different veiw of art than someone who studies Computer Graphics art.
I am sitting here trying to draw my own little picture of Cloud and I wish I could post it but I was stranded at this university without a scanner.>_
Damn! That's hot! I've never seen this form of art before. I've seen stuff like it but I really like this! Do you know what medium she uses? (Grr... wish I could read French.) I wanna look more into it; it's really pretty sweet.

You're in a university but there isn't a single scanner around? What's this world coming to?
Acualy I only use my laptop.
French you say? *spanish class drive you nut*
Hey. Buddies. Kids. Guys! Be nice and STOP CHATTING HERE. We have forums for that.
Some of us would use the forums if we could.
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