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Tokyo Games Show line-up gives little away in the form of surprises

  • Published at 03:09:22 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 23,077 times
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Square Enix has released its list of titles to be shown at the Tokyo Games Show at the end of the month. But will we be faced with a shocker unveiling as we were with Final Fantasy VII Advent Children last year?

The annual event, held this year from the 24th to the 26th of September, often promises big unveilings and a lot of new stuff to see. In fact, Japanese developers often postpone revealing much at the E3 trade show in LA every May so that they have more to showcase back home later in the year -- and the results can be baffling. Advent Children was pretty baffling. This year, you can expect to see Square Enix bring the following to the forefront of media coverage once again, and we'll be all over it, as usual.

Lots of PS2 titles, and the superfine Polymorphism? impulse of the Final Fantasy VII brand. But will we see more? Hushed whispers of an action title starring Vincent to fill out the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII are doing the rounds, not to mention the E3-revealed Musashi Samurai Legend apparently being buried in the sand ever since. For that matter, where's the underpublicised Ambrosia Odyssey? And what about the Gamecube? What about Nintendo DS projects? Where's the Crystal Chronicles sequel we were promised?

If you give it a good hard think, it's pretty obvious this list is missing something. Of course, whether Squenix will choose to titillate our senses with first screens of something more, or prefer to wait until later in the year while letting us slobber all over Cloud and friends, is left to the events on the showfloor.

The fuckers better give us a Chrono Break soon though. I'm getting fed up.

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Square Enix - look, you're making Rahul ANGRY!
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