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Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition headed stateside

  • Published at 16:22:29 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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Square Enix is already at work on the English-language adaptations of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition for the Sony Playstation Portable. Screenshots released today reveal the 20th anniversary iterations of the 8-bit classics will pay homage to the game's heritage by including the full Japanese text version. The titles will sell for $29.99 apiece, and hit retail shelves on June 26 and July 24.

Yoshitaka Amano illustrations from Final Fantasy for PSP.
Headed to the US on June 26

The 20th Anniversary editions of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II were announced in Japan just a few months back. Perhaps due to the demand for high-profile RPG's on the Sony portable, Square Enix is close to getting the refurbished classics out the door, both at home and abroad. As an added bonus to bilingual game players, the games will come included with both Japanese and English text. Certainly good news for Japanophiles. Other features already revealed to be included in the updated Final Fantasy: count on a widescreen aspect ratio, glossy revamped 2D graphics, gorgeous spell-casting effects and anti-aliased scrolling for airship travel. Character art will be displayed during dialog sequences, and items will be easier to store and maintain than during the NES days of yore. Also included will be the FMV sequences from the Playstation port of the games, bestiary, Soul of Chaos dungeon from Dawn of Souls, and brand new content as well. A "portable gallery" of Yoshitaka Amano's artwork will be stored on the UMD disc, along with a music player featuring Nobuo Uematsu's tunes remixed by Tsuyoshi Sekito. From the looks of advertisements appearing in Japan, the custodial work being lavished upon Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II will extend to other entries in the canonical series rather soon.

The most recent Amano concept art for the series

Screenshots from the English-language version
of Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition

A glimpse of how the PSP's widescreen display will accommodate full-motion video sequences

Screenshots from the English-language version
of Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition

North American box art

Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition has been given a stateside release date of June 26, 2007. Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition will follow July 24, 2007. Both games will retail for $29.99. Expect more details on the emerging line of refurbished classics headed to the PSP as they arise.


Xin, For the Reunion: "Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Boxarts"

Soul, Forever Fantasy: "Final Fantasy I & II 20th Anniversary North American boxarts revealed"

Odeko, FF13 Vids: "FF1とFF2の北米パッケージはこんな感じ。"

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