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E3 2007 - Square Enix gesticulates in regards to Revenant Wings bonus content

  • Published at 23:26:43 PT
  • Reported by Jeriaska
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Square Enix communicated through wavy, fluttering hand gestures to reporters attending E3 that the English-language localization of Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings will feature new content, including an added boss battle and gameplay tweaks. Director Motomu Toriyama comments, "The North American release will provide a completely different gameplay experience than the original domestic release."

As you may recall, in the Anglophone port of Final Fantasy VII, the game received additional full-motion video cutscenes, while Kingdom Hearts got some optional bosses when it came to North America. The stateside release of Revenant Wings will follow in their footsteps by featuring a new battle with Yiazmat, a boss named after Ivalice visionary Yasumi Matsuno.

Screenshot of the new boss battle

Another alteration to feature in the Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings localization: gameplay is being tweaked to correct against the Japanese version's silly-easy challenge level. The game's director, Motomu Toriyama, had this to say in an interview with IGN:

Toriyama: We're changing the overall game balance and adjusting that for the US audience. We've also placed new enemy units in battles and added new enemy unit gambits. The North American release will provide a completely different game play experience than the original domestic release.

The sequelish follow-up to Final Fantasy XII will be released in North America on November 20. Be sure to check out the E3 trailer located below for an idea of how the English-language dialog is coming along.

Revenant Wings E3 trailer

YouTube version

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