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Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors

Genius Sonority
Action RPG
Dragon Quest
  • February 24, 2008
  • July 12, 2007
  • Spring 2008
B+ 2 total ratings
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Wielding the Wiimote: A Dragon Quest Swords Pwiiview

A Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors review Author: Jeriaska Published: December 18, 2006
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Touted as "The Bodily Sensation RPG," Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (ドラゴンクエストソード 仮面の女王と鏡の塔) for the Nintendo Wii allows players to destroy adorable slime monsters by swinging the Wiimote like a sword. Those who would tempt the fates and wield the Wiimote in a battle against nefarious Dragon Quest monsters are encouraged to use an extra strong strap for their own safety and those of others. Square Enix has billed the game as a spiritual sequel to the Japan-only title Kenshin Dragon Quest, a motion-activated plug-and-play TV game.

Dragon Quest Swords uses a battle system reminiscent of first-person shooter arcade games such as House of the Dead and Time Crisis. The Wii picks up on the direction of the player's stabbing motions to stimulate the action of swiping a sword. To defend oneself from incoming attacks, the player can also squeeze the A button to brandish a shield. To inflict damage upon distant enemies, the player can throw a ball of lightning using the B button. There is no MP gauge, so bolts can be hurled liberally.

Swords debuts in Spring of 2007 in Japan with no North American release currently scheduled.

The Jump Festa trailer

Gameplay Demo

Man demonstrating hacking and slashing technique

Manic celebration of Dragon Quest's 20th Anniversary

Editor's Grade
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Endoplasmic Reticulum
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