March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Dissidia Final Fantasy

Square Enix
Final Fantasy
  • 2008
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Dissidia Final Fantasy preview

In an alternate universe, the villains and heroes of Final Fantasy wage war in a battle between darkness and light. Zidane and Kuja, Garland and the Warrior of Light, Cosmos and Chaos fight to determine which is the greater power, creation or destruction.
Diagram of the control scheme


Name Game Origin
Warrior of Light Final Fantasy
Garland Final Fantasy
Firion Final Fantasy II
Emperor Palamecia Final Fantasy II
Cloud of Darkness Final Fantasy III
Golbez Final Fantasy IV
Exdeath Final Fantasy V
Kefka Final Fantasy VI
Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
Squall Leonhart Final Fantasy VIII
Ultimecia Final Fantasy VIII
Zidane Final Fantasy IX
Kuja Final Fantasy IX
Tidus Final Fantasy X
Jecht Final Fantasy X
Chaos, god of darkness Final Fantasy
Cosmos, goddess of light new character

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