Item Rarity
Items are stolen, poached, and dropped in varying occurrences, and are colored here to show level of rarity. Items can have a
low, or
very rare rate of appearance. To
increase the chances of getting lower-occurring items, create monster chains or equip items like
Thief's Cuffs.
Experience given
The experience points listed here is the total experience given to the party that is then divided equally among the active party.
During gameplay, the experience that is shown on screen after defeating the enemy is the figure divided by the number of active party
Rare Game reappearance
Only those 30 rare game that drop trophies will never reappear again after being defeated. All other 50 rare game can be re-spawned
Undead enemies and curative items
Some undead enemies can be damaged with curative items and spells (such as potions, Cures, and Phoenix Down). These enemies are
labeled with a skull icon (

Rare Game Maps
See the following maps for rare monster locations, courtesy of Sephirosuy: