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Final Fantasy XII

Square Enix
Traditional RPG
Final Fantasy
  • October 31, 2006
  • March 16, 2006
  • February 23, 2007
A- 69 total ratings
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Final Fantasy XII Secrets & Sidequests

Hunt Club Outfitters

Hunt Club Outfitters

At Phon Coast / Hunter's Camp, distribute trophies won from rare game among three bangaas for the ability to purchase stuff from the Shifty-Eyed Man nearby. There are a total of 30 trophies that can be won from rare game, of which you can get tips on hunting from the Final Fantasy XII bestiary.

The three bangaas have specific attributes regarding the items that become available, and each are aplty named. Waepons will be available from Atak, Armor from Blok, and useables (sundries) from Stok. Once a certain trophy combination is given, the item can be purchased once from the Shifty-eyed Man, althought he item name will not be readily given. Instead you will purchase "a weapon of sorts

item cost # to Atak # to Blok # to Stok
Kogarasumaru 5040 1 0 0
Demon Mail 4410 0 1 0
Thief's Cuffs 2700 0 0 1
Obelisk 6750 5 0 0
Diamond Armor 6300 0 5 0
Steel Poleyns 900 0 0 5
Murasame 7650 10 0 0
Mirror Mail 7290 0 10 0
Winged Boots 450 0 0 10
Diamond Sword 11250 15 0 0
Gaia Gear 8370 0 15 0
Indigo Pendant 4500 0 0 15
Runeblade 13050 10 5 0
Deathbringer 14400 20 0 0
Dragon Mail 11250 0 20 0
Diamond Armlet 18000 0 0 20
Rubber Suit 13050 5 10 5
Gastrophetes 18900 25 0 0
Magepower Shishak 13500 0 25 0
Reflectga Mote 270 0 0 25
Hermes Sandals 30000 5 5 15
Gungnir 25500 30 0 0
Maximillian 25500 0 30 0
Holy Mote 150 0 0 30
Ame-no-Murakumo* 41100 10 10 10
Minerva Bustier* 41100 10 10 10
Muramasa 30000 25 1 1
Mirage Vest 24000 1 25 1
Sage's Ring 33000 1 1 25
Eight-fluted Pole 35100 12 5 5
Venetian Shield 20700 5 12 5
Elixir 1080 5 5 12
* Receive both Ame-no-Murakumo and Minerva Bustier for the price payed.

After distributing all 30 trophies, you will receive bonus items depending on which bangaa was distributed the most trophies, or if they were distributed equally amongst them.

trophy distribution to prize
Atak Greataxe
Blok Renewing Morion
Stok Sage's Ring
Atak & Blok Caldera, Chaperon
Atak & Stok Caldera, Agate Ring
Blok & Stok Chaperon, Agate Ring
Atak, Blok & Stok Caldera, Chaperon, Agate Ring
Special thanks to Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) for help with this data.
Final Fantasy XII
Mark Hunting
Secrets & Sidequests
Items & Equipment
Bazaar Goods

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