|  |
| Aged Turtle Shell 1,075 gil | A slightly worn shell. Considered antiques, the value of these pieces varies with the pattern of the cracks and pit-marks on the surface. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Forbidding Shield 9,800 gil |
| |
 | Adamantitan, Emeralditan, Silicon Tortoise |
 | Adamantitan, Emeralditan, Silicon Tortoise |
 | Adamantitan, Emeralditan, Silicon Tortoise |
 |  |
| Ambrosia 1,682 gil | A blessed nectar lined in numinous light. A drop on the tongue causes such exhilaration that all pain and suffering is forgotten. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Saint's Draught 36,000 gil |
| |
 | Glaring Eye |
 |  |
| Ancient Bone 2,115 gil | Those battle-scarred bones belonged to a race of humanoids who warred in ancient times, though no one knows who they fought, or why. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Scout's Crossbow 17,800 gil |
| |
 | Dead Bones |
 |  |
| Aquarius Gem 150 gil | A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Aquarius". Represents the forces of regeneration and regrowth. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Whisker of the Beast 60,000 gil |
| |
 | Facer, Golem, Treant |
 | Facer |
 |  |
| Arcana 10 gil | A jewel containing a creature's soul. Only when its soul is released will the creature find true peace. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Life Crystal 9,999 gil |
| |
Wind Walkers 18,000 gil |
| |
 |  |
| Arctic Wind 1,179 gil | A slender cylinder with hollow ends, made of raging arctic winds. Gives off a constant chilling aura of magickal potency. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Feathered Boots 450 gil |
| |
 | Yeti |
 |  |
| Aries Gem 150 gil | A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Aries". Represents the ideals that lives in Man's heart. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Devastating Incendiaries 12,000 gil |
| |
 | Abaddon, Adamantitan, Basilisk, Bull Abaddon, Feral Croc, Fury, Great Tortoise, Grey Molter, Hybrid Gator, Iguion, Leynir, Mesmenir, Mirrorknight, Serpent, Silicon Tortoise, Viper, Wu |
 | Abaddon, Bagoly, Bull Abaddon, Emeralditan, Feral Croc, Iguion, Mirrorknight, Serpent, Silicon Tortoise, Wyrdhare |
 |  |
| Bat Fang 105 gil | This fang's sharp tip is perfect for rending, flesh and sucking blood. Small serrations down the side of the tooth complete the carnage. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Bow & Bodkin 600 gil |
| |
Hollow-shaft Arrows 6,280 gil |
| |
 | Steeling |
 | Steeling |
 | Aerieel, Pyllo, Steeling |
 |  |
| Bat Wing 647 gil | A bat wing covered in gorgeous white fur. Prized by collectors for outstanding beauty. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Mysterious Substance 14,999 gil |
| |
 | Aerieel |
 | Seeker |
 |  |
| Battlewyrm Carapace 871 gil | A carapace hewn from an aggressive, spiteful wyrm. Somewhat softer than a typical wyrm carapace, but exceedingly light. These are often used by armorers. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Chain-link Belt 17,820 gil |
| |
 | Archaeoaevis |
 | Dragon Aevis, Emperor Aevis |
 | Archaeoaevis, Skulwyrm |
 |  |
| Beastlord Hide 1,499 gil | A supple, majestic hide. As they are easily marred, only small sections are suitable for use, making them all the more valuable. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
White Vestments 22,800 gil |
| |
 | Enkidu, Fenrir, High Reaver, Humbaba Mistant, Reaver |
 | High Reaver, Reaver |
 | High Reaver, Reaver |
 |  |
| Beastlord Horn 1,334 gil | Sign by which one knows the true king of the beasts. Towering toward the heavens, the horn seems to challenge the gods themselves. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Silver Bow 60,000 gil |
| |
 | Fenrir, Humbaba Mistant |
 | Humbaba |
 | Humbaba |
 |  |
| Behemoth Steak 1,671 gil | A chewy, invigorating cut of steak, t-bone and all. Best eaten by holding the bone with two hands and gnawing at the meat with great primitive enthusiasm. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
X-Potion Pack 4,444 gil |
| |
 | Alteci, Fenrir, Humbaba Mistant |
 |  |
| Bent Staff 1,194 gil | A staff bent beyond all usefulness. It is like that its former bearer's life ended in violence that left him as bent and useless as his favorite weapon. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Large Gloves 4,500 gil |
| |
 | Bagoly |
 |  |
| Bhujerban Madhu 250 gil | A local spirit made in the Skycity of Bhujerba. So strong, a single sip is enough to warm a man on even the coldest nights in the clouds. |
 | 14 bottles total can be found in various locations around Bhujerba and can be sold to certain people around the city for 1,000 gil each (versus 250 gil at any shop). |
 |  |
| Black Orb 1 gil | Very rarely, when a certain creature is slain, the lost life force coalesces into a tiny black orb. Some magickal devices are said to draw on this energy |
 |  |
| Blood Wool 871 gil | This wool is of exceedingly high quality, and, as such, is the privilege only of nobles and landed gentry |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Black Vestments 22,800 gil |
| |
White Vestments 22,800 gil |
| |
 | Bull Croc, Feral Croc, Fury |
 | Baritine Croc, Feral Croc, Greeden |
 | Baritine Croc, Feral Croc, Greeden, Spee |
 |  |
| Blood-darkened Bone 1,435 gil | Belonging to one who lived a life steeped in other's blood, this bone is stained black with magicks and beyond purification. Used in magicks and alchemy. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Elegant Pole 12,150 gil |
| |
 | Crusader |
 | Grave Lord |
 | Crusader, Dark Lord, Dead Bones |
 |  |
| Blood-stained Necklace 1,663 gil | A necklace stained black with spattered blood. The dull light its exudes suggests that it was once a piece of surpassing beauty. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Cursed Necklace 15,000 gil |
| |
 | Shambling Corpse |
 | Shambling Corpse |
 |  |
| Bomb Ashes 200 gil | The remains of a blasted-out bomb. They are still quite volatile and must be handled with care. Some lands require a license for their handling. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Oil-Soaked Incendiaries 10,625 gil |
| |
 | Bomb |
 | Balloon, Bomb |
 | Balloon, Bomb, Bombshell, Matriarch Bomb, Megabomb, Pineapple |
 |  |
| Bomb Fragment 1,911 gil | The remains of a detonated bomb. Even now, the pieces smolder and glow. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Devastating Incendiaries 12,000 gil |
| |
 | Bomb, Megabomb |
 | Matriarch Bomb, Pineapple |
 | Bomb, Grenade |
 |  |
| Bomb Shell 896 gil | The remains of a detonated bomb. Still contains fragments of unexploded material. Wiser folks leave these well alone. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Befuddling Incendiaries 17,800 gil |
| |
Noisome Incendiaries 9,800 gil |
| |
Shell-worked Collar 8,370 gil |
| |
 | Pineapple, Purobolos |
 | Bomb, Grenade, Purobolos |
 | Matriarch Bomb, Megabomb, Purobolos |
 |  |
| Bone Fragment 193 gil | This fragment is too small to identify the type of bone it once formed a part of. Some lands prohibit their use outright, other require prior ablution with holy water. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Wooden Pole 1,800 gil |
| |
 | Fideliant, Skeleton, Skull Defender, Skull Warrior |
 | Lost Soul, Skeleton, Skull Defender, Skull Warrior |
 | Fideliant, Grave Lord, Lost Soul, Skeleton, Skull Defender, Skull Warrior |
 |  |
| Book of Orgain 532 gil | A time-worn book of tales. The book is popular for the tragic fates that befall all of its characters. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Magick Shard 499 gil |
| |
Oil-Soaked Incendiaries 10,625 gil |
| |
Water-drop Munitions 7,800 gil |
| |
 | Deathscythe, Nightwalker |
 | Dustia, Gespenst, Negalmuur, Nightwalker |
 |  |
| Book of Orgain-Cent 924 gil | A time-worn book of tales. This book tells the story of a commoner who became a knight. Every child loves the part where the hero single-handedly defeats a great army. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Befuddling Incendiaries 17,800 gil |
| |
Magick Shard 499 gil |
| |
 |  |
| Book of Orgain-Mille 1,477 gil | A time-worn book of tales. This book charts the course of history, following the births and deaths of hundreds, and the ripples their lives cause throughout the world. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Magick Shard 499 gil |
| |
 | Deathscythe, Dustia, Gazer |
 | Negalmuur |
 |  |
| Braid Wool 465 gil | Highly absorptive wool, widely used for fashioning garments for everyday wear. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Traveler's Garb 3,280 gil |
| |
 | Wooly Gator |
 | Hybrid Gator, Ozmone Hare, Wooly Gator |
 | Bull Croc, Greeden, Hybrid Gator, Ozmone Hare, Wooly Gator |
 |  |
| Broken Greataxe 1,762 gil | The haft of this greataxe is broken, and the blade notched. The quantity of dried gore on the shaft suggests that its bearer met with a most unfortunate end. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Golden Battle Axe 16,200 gil |
| |
 |  |
| Broken Spear 617 gil | A broken-hafted spear, thrust deep into the ground. Perhaps it marked the grave of its former wielder. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Engraved Spear 15,300 gil |
| |
 | Fideliant, Skull Warrior |
 |  |
| Broken Sword 1,099 gil | A sword with a jagged break halfway down the blade. One can only imagine with what grisly fate its former owner must have met. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Feathered Boots 450 gil |
| |
 | Baritine Croc, Bull Croc |
 |  |
| Bundle of Feathers 833 gil | Several feathers tied into a single bunch. These are used for clothing, though the technique for fixing them to fabric requires patience and no little skill. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Soul of the Fire-bird 5,980 gil |
| |
Warped Blade 11,250 gil |
| |
 | Bagoly, Pyrolisk, Sprinter |
 | Bagoly, Dive Talon, Gorgimera, Pyrolisk, Sprinter |
 | Bagoly, Gorgimera, Pyrolisk, Sprinter |
 |  |
| Bundle of Needles 92 gil | A bundle of 1,000 Needles. Frustrated merchants and impatient buyers arguing over the precise count of needles in a given bundle is a common market sight. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Huntman's Crossbow 9,980 gil |
| |
 | Cactoid |
 | Cactite, Cactoid |
 |  |
| Cactus Fruit 59 gil | These dense desert fruits are slightly sweet and surprisingly juicy. Valued as a treat for children. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Potion Pack 70 gil |
| |
 | Cactite, Cactoid |
 | Cactite, Cactoid |
 | Cactite, Cactoid |
 |  |
| Cancer Gem 150 gil | A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Cancer". Represents the forces of restoration and renewal. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Serpent Blade 15,200 gil |
| |
 | Mimeo, Pandora, Preying Mantis, Thunderbug, Zeromus |
 | Deathclaw |
 | Deathclaw, Killer Mantis, Mimeo, Pandora, Preying Mantis |
 |  |
| Capricorn Gem 150 gil | A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Capricorn". Represents the forces of order and rule. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Piercing Bolts 15,000 gil |
| |
 | Adrammelech, Crusader, Dark Skeleton, Deathscythe, Etem, Fideliant, Ghoul, Negalmuur, Nightwalker, Oversoul, Velelu, Zombie Warlock, Zombie Warrior |
 | Dustia |
 | Crusader, Dark Lord, Gazer, Gespenst, Necrofiend, Nightwalker, Zombie Warlock |
 |  |
| Caramel 276 gil | A viscous sauce sweet enough to cause dizziness. Dilute with water before cooking. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Flask of Oily Liquid 4,000 gil |
| |
 | Flan |
 | Flan |
 |  |
| Charged Gizzard 945 gil | A long, stringy object made of a special kind of metal. Holds an electrical charge that can be released at will. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
The Scorpion 60,000 gil |
| |
 | Thunderbug |
 |  |
| Charger Barding 1,154 gil | This barding is the perfect balance of lightweight construction and protection. Its iron alloy composition makes it prone to rust it not properly maintained. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Magepower Helm 12,800 gil |
| |
Sturdy Battle Gear 14,800 gil |
| |
 | Cataract Aevis, Deathclaw, Dragon Lich, Gizamaluk, Skullash, Skulwyrm |
 | Cataract Aevis, Deathclaw, Gizamaluk, Killer Mantis |
 | Cataract Aevis, Deathclaw, Dragon Lich, Gizamaluk, Leynir |
 |  |
| Chimera Head 2,026 gil | This head is chopped off a chimera. Chimera heads are prized as an ingredient in alchemy, and only rarely appear on the open market. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Darksteel Blade 17,800 gil |
| |
Magepower Helm 12,800 gil |
| |
 | Chimera Brain |
 |  |
| Chocobo Feather 480 gil | A feather the size of a butcher's knife. These are sturdier than they might appear, and suitable for use in armor, though they smell a mite foul. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Eye Openers 1,280 gil |
| |
 | Black Chocobo, Brown Chocobo, Trickster, White Chocobo |
 | Black Chocobo, Brown Chocobo, Green Chocobo, Red Chocobo, White Chocobo |
 | Black Chocobo, Brown Chocobo, Green Chocobo, Red Chocobo, White Chocobo |
 |  |
| Coeurl Pelt 454 gil | A fine pelt with fur rising in a distinctive wave-like pattern. Its insulating qualities make it an excellent choice for cold weather gear. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Light & Sturdy Garb 9,800 gil |
| |
Matching Reds 4,280 gil |
| |
Monk's Garb 5,480 gil |
| |
 | Coeurl, Panther |
 | Coeurl |
 |  |
| Coeurl Whisker 2,076 gil | Something about this whip-like whisker speaks of intelligence beyond animal cunning. Used in magicks and also a popular collector's items |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Serpent Blade 15,200 gil |
| |
 | Grimalkin |
 |  |
| Common Fish 10 gil | A small fish found in the River Nebra. Edible, but not very tasty |
 |  |
| Corpse Fly 1,798 gil | A livid-hued fly that feeds on corpses of men. They appear as if by magick wherever there is death, and leave nothing but bleached bones behind. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Whisker of the Beast 60,000 gil |
| |
 | Dragon Lich |
 |  |
| Crooked Fang 287 gil | This claw-like fang is designed for biting and ripping, though it lacks penetrating force. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Arrows Alight 3,800 gil |
| |
Ranger's Crossbow 6,480 gil |
| |
 | Redmaw |
 | Bellwyvern, Redmaw, Seeker, Wyvern |
 | Aeros, Bellwyvern, Redmaw, Seeker, Wyvern |
 |  |
| Damascus Steel 2,188 gil | This steel bears a unique pattern like the rings of a tree. It is sometimes said that victory in battle is determined by how many soldiers wear this matchless metal. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Matchless Steel 29,997 gil |
| |
 | Anchag, Bluesang, Vishno |
 | Bune |
 |  |
| Dark Crystal 160 gil | A crystallization of potent dark magicks, said to contain the divine power of the full moon. The source of a leamonde entite's energy. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Black Vestments 22,800 gil |
| |
Blindfight Quarrels 11,220 gil |
| |
Gigas Gear 17,800 gil |
| |
The Leering Blade 14,800 gil |
| |
 | Archaeoaevis, Banshee, Brainpan, Carrot, Dark Elemental, Dead Bones, Gazer, Gespenst, Leamonde Entite, Nightwalker, Preying Mantis, Purobolos, Shambling Corpse, Skulwyrm, Tartarus, Vampyr, Zombie Warlock |
 | Ghost |
 | Abaddon, Abysteel, Baknamy (w/ gun), Baknamy (w/ sword), Banshee, Bull Abaddon, Chimera Brain, Crusader, Dark Elemental, Dark Lord, Dead Bones, Dragon Lich, Etem, Foobar, Gazer, Gespenst, Leamonde Entite, Malboro Overking, Mimeo, Necrofiend, Nightwalker, Oversoul, Preying Mantis, Purobolos, Shambling Corpse, Skulwyrm, Tartarus, Vampyr, Zombie Warlock |
 |  |
| Dark Magicite 80 gil | A stone infused with dark magicks. Placed in the proper locations, these protect a home from evil spirits. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Golden Garb 6,780 gil |
| |
Jag-tooth Ninja Sword 9,000 gil |
| |
Matching Reds 4,280 gil |
| |
 | Black Chocobo, Dark Elemental, Dark Skeleton, Darkmare, Gazer, Ghost, Ghoul, Malboro King, Malboro Overking, Nightmare, Specter, Viper, Zombie (Male) |
 | Black Chocobo, Dark Elemental, Dark Skeleton, Darkmare, Ghast, Ghost, Ghoul, Malboro King, Malboro Overking, Nightmare, Skull Knight, Specter, Viper, Zombie (Male), Zombie Warrior |
 |  |
| Dark Stone 35 gil | A stone infused with a dark power. It looks like an ordinary stone, yet casts an eerily twisted shadow. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Assorted Leathers 680 gil |
| |
Bow & Bodkin 600 gil |
| |
Crimson Blade 4,500 gil |
| |
Marksman's Delight 1,680 gil |
| |
 | Dark Skeleton, Lich, Lost Soul, Oversoul, Skull Warrior, Specter, Zombie (Female), Zombie Mage |
 | Dark Elemental, Dark Skeleton, Ghost, Lich, Lost Soul, Negalmuur, Skeleton, Skull Defender, Skull Warrior, Specter, Zombie (Female), Zombie (Male), Zombie Mage |
 |  |
| Death Powder 1,323 gil | A powder so black it seems to suck in all light and life. Artists have been known to use it in compositions to effect deep, rich shadows. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Ultimate Blade 22,800 gil |
| |
 | Cultsworn Lich |
 | Bogey |
 |  |
| Death's-Head 653 gil | The perfectly preserved head of a skeleton, blessed and burned to give the owner's spirit rest. The teeth are known to chatter in the deep watches of the night. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Cursed Necklace 15,000 gil |
| |
 | Grave Lord |
 |  |
| Deimos Clay 1,000 gil | Clay used for building gaols, said to imprison not only the flesh and blood, but the soul as well. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Morbid Urn 250,000 gil |
| |
 | Hunt reward for defeating Trickster (Paramina Run, Rank V) |
 |  |
| Delicious Fish 25 gil | A small fish found in the River Nebra. Tastes best fried. |
 |  |
| Demon Eyeball 123 gil | A foul, fiendish being's eyeball, reeking of dark magicks. It seems to be watching, searching you for a weakness born of some small misdeed. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Eye Drop Set 100 gil |
| |
Iron-forged Pole 4,780 gil |
| |
 | Elvoret, Garchimacera, Gargoyle |
 | Elvoret, Garchimacera, Gargoyle |
 | Elvoret, Garchimacera, Gargoyle, Larva Eater |
 |  |
| Demon Feather 1,203 gil | A deeply magicked feather, torn from the wing of something genuinely horrible. The feather's magicks aid the finding of air currents for flight. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Elegant Pole 12,150 gil |
| |
Mystic Staff 7,200 gil |
| |
 | Garchimacera |
 | Garchimacera |
 |  |
| Demon Tail 1,203 gil | The magicked tail of a demon. It is said that the only true gauge of a demon's temper is its tail, so practiced are they at hiding their evil natures. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
The Leering Blade 14,800 gil |
| |
 | Buer, Garchimacera |
 | Buer |
 |  |
| Demon's Sigh 1,704 gil | A broach so exquisite, even demons are said to sigh at its beauty and come to steal it, after which another sigh can be heard: that of the broach's former owner. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Vaccine Pack 999 gil |
| |
 | Buer |
 |  |
| Destrier Barding 1,214 gil | A set of equestrian armor meant only to be worn by a knight's steed. Valued more for its style than its substance. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Forbidding Shield 9,800 gil |
| |
 | Leynir |
 |  |
| Destrier Mane 808 gil | This steel mane covering tapers to a sharp point, designed to impale unwary foes with a fatal lunge. Even those who shun war use these in the casting of magicks. |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Shoes of the Dead 450 gil |
| |
 | Narzarnir |
 | Mesmenir |
 |  |
| Diakon Halcyon 1,500 gil | |
 | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Magick Shard 99 gil |
| |