Search Resultsweapons
atk |
mgk |
evd |
MP |
element |
bonus |
Thorned Mace |
48 |
4 |
Poison |
- acquire
- Dropped by Malboro King
atk |
mgk |
evd |
MP |
element |
bonus |
Hornito |
50 |
- acquire
- treasure at Dalmasca Estersand / Broken Sands
- Dropped by Emperor Aevis
| armor |  |
⇓ |
HP⇓ |
def⇓ |
str⇓ |
vit⇓ |
m pwr⇓ |
spd⇓ |
added effect⇓ |
Horned Hat |
50 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Suriander
loot |  |
| Pointed Horn 706 gil | A sharply pointed horn which is completely hollow, save for its tip. Often only the top few fingers are used for crafting. |  | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Burning Fangs 980 gil |
| |
Forked Spear 11,250 gil |
| |
War Axe 10,350 gil |
| |  | Lizard, Suriander |
 | Iguion, Lizard, Suriander |
 | Iguion, Lizard, Suriander |
 |  |
| Solid Horn 1,288 gil | A solid core makes this highly prized for crafting. The larger the horn, the greater the price it fetches, though the heaviest can be hard to carry home |  | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
The Leering Blade 14,800 gil |
| |  | Abaddon, Bull Abaddon, Wood Toad |
 | Abaddon, Bull Abaddon, Suriander |
 | Abaddon, Bull Abaddon, Tarasque |
|  |
Final Fantasy XII