March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.
Final Fantasy XII
- Platform:

- Developer:
- Square Enix
- Genre:
- Traditional RPG
- Series:
- Final Fantasy
- October 31, 2006
- March 16, 2006
- February 23, 2007
Search Resultsloot |  |
| Screamroot 1,350 gil | As their name suggests, these roots give off a horrible ear-piercing scream when yanked from their earthly beds, giving unwary foragers the fright of their lives. |  | package | loot sold | unlocked items |
Potion Crate 7,480 gil |
| |
Samurai's Katana 13,800 gil |
| |  | Pumpkin Head, Ripe Rampager |
|  |
Final Fantasy XII